Chapter One: As Red as Roses

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Everyone who said hell was fire and flames was wrong. Hell was the biting cold and dark skies that came with the season Winter Pierce was named for.

"You're brooding," River said as he walked by, mug of coffee in hand.

Winter didn't look away from the window. "Of course I am. It's dark and cold."

River stopped, then backed up until he was at her side. "Can't you sign up for afternoon shifts?"

Not anymore. But her brother didn't know that. "Then it would be dark when I leave instead." Winter sighed. "I think this place really is hell."

River took another sip of his coffee, undoubtedly coming up with a polite way to tell Winter she was being ridiculous. "And what on earth do you think you're being punished for?"

Two weeks ago, Winter wouldn't have had an answer. But killing someone and impersonating them probably left some kind of mark on your soul. Even if the death was an accident. Even if it was to save your mother.

"Come on, Winter," River said. "Snow's just snow. Seasons are just seasons."

"And Devil's Pass is just a city built too far north for my taste." Winter finally turned around, sick of looking at the dark street outside their apartment building.

River reached into the pocket of his coat and pulled out a golden locket. The golden locket. "Would it cheer you up if I let you win this back?"

Winter snorted. "Let me win? Yeah right." Her gaze flickered to the old grandfather clock on the other side of the dining table. "But we don't have time for a card game." Last time Dad had caught them playing cards before work, he'd warned them that they'd lose the deck for a month if they were late.

"Lucky draw, then?" River raised an eyebrow. "Come on. You have nothing to lose."

Winter rolled her eyes. "Fine."

She followed River through the dining room into the kitchen, where Mom was packing up her own bag to go to work at the bank near City Hall. "You two leaving now?" she asked.

"In a minute." River opened a drawer and pulled out the card deck. After shuffling a few times, he fanned them out across the counter face down and gestured for Winter to pick one. After she made her choice, he selected his own card.

Winter held up hers. "Six of roses."

"Damn." River revealed his. Two of suns.

Winter laughed and held out her hand. Despite losing, River grinned as he dropped the locket into her palm. "Enjoy it while it lasts. After dinner tonight, I'm beating you at devil's bridge."

"Keep telling yourself that." Winter slid the locket into her own coat.

River slung his bag over his shoulder. "You walking out with Mom and I?"

"I have to get my bag from my room," Winter replied. "And if I leave now, I'll be early, anyway." She nodded to the cards spread out on the counter. "I can put those away."

"That's the winner's job, anyway."


"We'll see you tonight." Mom buttoned up her coat. "Your father said he's making casserole, so be back by six. Both of you."

Winter nodded. "See you tonight."

"Love you!"

"Love you, too."

While Mom and River headed out, Winter gathered up the cards. She picked up hers last, and took a moment to run her thumb along the edge and study the white roses printed on the front. It had been a couple of weeks since she and River had made time to play a real game. It would be nice to take her mind off things for an hour or so.

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