01~ you don't get to call me a whore

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I woke up to my alarm blaring in my room I went over to grab the pillow on the other side of the bed when I felt someone laying on it. "fuck! you need to leave!" I knew my Mom was coming up to my room soon. His body slightly shifted to face me "What?" he muttered. now I was pissed I tell all my hookups to leave after, yet here this guy was laying in my bed. "You need to leave before my Mo-" I was cut off by my door opening "shit."  The boy jumped up and headed out my window as soon as that door opened. Typical.

This is kinda how it's like every morning. My Mom yelling at me, me being tired, and then getting up but, this time I knew I fucked up. I'm kind of the town hoe if you will. I've ruined every friendship so I'm always alone and when I'm alone I fuck people, It's really that simple. I never liked getting attached not after my ex. That boy messed with my brain, heart and body and when he cheated I promised I would never get attached again. I finally tuned back into my moms yelling.

"-You are such a fucking whore!" That word, I joked about it all the time but, hearing my own mom say it really hurt me. "Really you're going to call your own daughter a whore!? Really!" My voice was shaky and my head hurt. "You are such a bitch! I don't want you here! Leave! Live with your brother, you kids were the biggest mistake I've ever made!" "Fine!" I yelled back. I've wanted to move in with my brother for a long time but, my mom said I couldn't because I wasn't old enough, I guess she changed her mind.

She left my room after that and I called my brother

On the phone:

JJ: "Hey Josh!"

Jo: "Hey JJ what's up?"

JJ: "You still got that spare room?"

Jo: "Wait you can come!"

JJ: "Yeah, Mom finally gave in!"

Jo: "That's awesome! Yes, I have a spare room, When are you coming?"

JJ: "Tomorrow."

Jo: "Shit okay I'll clean the house. Text me your flight details and I'll pick you up from the airport"

JJ: "Yup! See you then."

Jo: "Okay, Bye!"

JJ: "Byee!"

I didn't want to tell my brother that I basically got kicked out. I booked my flight and texted my brother, then I started packing. I basically packed everything, I never wanted to come back to this hell hole. once I had almost everything packed I decided I was hungry so I got in my car and drove to McDonald's. 

I walked into the restaurant and ordered my food when they called my number I picked up the tray and sat down at a table. I heard someone sit down, it was Brandon, my ex. "Hey JJ, what's up?" he was acting too happy and I wasn't in the mood for his bullshit "can you please just leave me alone." In the back of my mind, I knew he wasn't going to so I started packing my food back into the paper bag it came in. "Leftovers? you seem to love those." "What do you mean?" I was really confused what does he have up his sleeve this time. "You like leftovers, the guy you slept with last night is Katie's ex but, hey I heard he likes to sleep around too, you guys have that in common." I was so heated I didn't even realize he walked out I sprinted out the door and grabbed his hand so he could face me. "You don't get to call me a whore. When I met you I thought I had found the person that I was going to spend the rest of my life with, so all the boys and all the bars and all the obvious daddy issues, who cared because I was done. You left me, you chose Katie" he stood there blankly, but I wasn't done. "I'm all glued back together now. I make no apologies for how I chose to repair what you broke. You don't get to call me a whore!" I let go of his hand and walked to my car and drove off. Tears started falling but, I was happy. I was finally over the boy who shattered my heart.

I know this part was fast-paced but, either way, I hope you like it. did anyone notice my quote greys anatomy? I hope someone did or else this part is really dumb. I will update soon. 

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