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A sudden thought fell into his empty mind.

As soon as Eddie had got home, as soon as Eddie was in his mother's arms crying, as soon as he was in his fresh pyjamas, laying in his fresh bed, sipping soup, the phone had never stopped fucking ringing.

There was no doubting who the caller was. His mother had picked up the phone twice, only to be greeted with a....

"Hello? Ed's? Mrs Kasbrak? Jesus fuck. Is Eddie alright? Please tell him I'm- He's sick? But Mrs K wai-"

the first time and a...

"Mrs K please. Yes it's Richie. Again. I know I'm being a bitch to you right now but please tell Eddie that-"

the second time.

Without realising a elation flooded through him, leaking through the breaks in his heart, causing it to swell with warmth.

Richie had cared. The warm feeling came again, causing Eddie to rest his head down against his pillow and smile softly, biting his lower lip.

Eddie Kaspbrak felt free to feel.

He pushed himself to his feet, and walked slowly across his room, opening his door with a cream.

Eddie didn't care, he didn't even care if his mother woke.

He knew Rich had left him a message. Richie always left messages if Eddie didn't pick up the phone. Most of the, consisted of stupid horseshit like:

"Jesus Christ Ed's. Pick up the fucking phone."

"We're meeting by the barrens in a hour, Eds. Get up right now or I'm going to waltz straight in there and get your lazy-ass outta bed. I don't even care about your sleep schedule."

"Did we have homework? Please fucking tell me we didn't. Miss Wards got it in for me now, Eds. Lucky I'm hot."

"Can a man just not talk to his best friend anymore? I thought you loved me, loser!"

But Eddie liked those messages. He had no idea why, but they pulled his mouth into a stupid smile every time. Every damn time.

Eddie's fingers caressed the patent black of the phone with slender fingers before punching in the "RECORDED MESSAGES" button. He stared down at the phone with hot breath as it beeped, functioning its order.

"Ed's? Are you there?"

Eddie's heart flooded with love so strong it delivered gentle tears to his eyes, for the second time that evening.

"Yes, Rich. I'm here dumbass." Eddie whispered, sparkling eyes staring down at the phone as his fingers stroked the notches.

"Look Eddie, I know...I know that right now I should be making some kinda joke outta this shit."

Eddie laughed softly. A tear splashed onto the the telephone and slid down, leaving damp footprints along its body.

"But I know you would want me to be serious right now. Which is probably the best for both of us."

Eddie nodded slowly, wiping his smiling tear with a shaking hand.

"I'm sorry I kissed you like that Eddie. I really am. I know that I've confused you...and made you feel like the human version of pure and utter shit."

Eddie's smile faded slightly and fresh tears started to form. He stared up at the empty, dark ceiling, trying to hold back.

But he had been holding back for so long. He bent his head down towards the telephone where Richies static voice lingered and let tears fall.

"But I...I need you to understand something."

Eddie's face changed as his eyes flickered back down to the telephone, his heart suddenly thundering in his chest.

"W-What is it, Richie?" Eddie's voice was hushed as he held the phone with shaking hands.

"Your heart makes me feel like home. Every dream I have is of your scolds and your stupid fucking smile, every phone call we share leaves me grinning and my heart just... beat beat beat you know? The way you stare at me gives me butterflies. I love it when you tease me and I loves our kiss. I loved our kiss. Hell, I love you and I want to kiss you more. I love you, Ed's."

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