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Summer went by like a flash. But like an out of place hair sticking out at one place, my memory of Sara and the immensely vague night stuck out more than I have wanted. I've spent most of the summer trying hardly to get a tan and a peace of mind about James, everyday was constant. But then out of the blue I meet an attractive lady who changes everything. I mean everything.

After the kiss, I've been leaching on to every possibility that I might actually like women. That was big news for me, which I'm still trying to work out and wrap my head around. I didn't actually like the thought of me with another girl. I undeniably liked the kiss... but to like, like a girl - I just don't know.

Thankfully, the doubt, the sadness, and Sara were all left behind in that beach. I was ready to face senior year head on. I've proven myself to be ballsy and I didn't settle for intimidation or fear. I'll make sure that when I cross with James he won't even see a sign of the girl he dumped, just the brand new Allie.

"Hey!" Jillian screeches at me, bringing me back to reality.

"Hey." I reply in an annoyed tone.

"Oooh, someone's a bit grumpy today. I missed you, girl, and I love what you did to your hair! It's so chic." She wraps me up in a bear hug, it was good to see my best friend after all the stuff that has been happening.

"Not that, you kind of just killed my moment. Anyway, how was your summer?"

We walk through the hall to our newly assigned lockers which are next to each other, "Ugh," she sighs, "incredibly boring! I didn't know spending summer away in the mountains would go from exciting to dry and dead in a snap." Jillian started to make a puppy dog face.

"There was no reception, wasn't there?"

She nods slowly, "No wifi connection either." I gasp for effect, "If I had, you know I would be calling you twenty-four seven. I mean you needed me, after all what James did to you. How are you holding up by the way?" Her red hair busted to the side and her green eyes filled with sympathy.

"Well, I held. I had all summer to mope around and be sad." It was true, "But I felt good the last week of it, made decisions and promises. I'm... exploring myself." It was true too.

"Okay," she put on one of her empathetic smiles, "it's good to know you're alright. I'll be devastated if Toby did that to me. I mean, I know he wouldn't, he's a good guy and all but still." I grunted and we walked to our first class. "So, what are your plans? Do you keep on dating or just saddle up the horse for a while?"

I had the urge to tell her about Sara, the confusion about my sexuality was consuming me it was a burden to bear. "Actually I think I'll take a break from all that stuff for now." We made our way to the third row and took a seat. "I have a confession," I started and she asked what, "my mom and I went to the beach to spend the last week of summer, and I met... someone." I stirred clear through any pertaining detail about my confusion.

Like an excited child, Jillian started to flush, "Oh my goodness, summer fling. Sounds hot. Was he gorgeous? Did you guys kiss? Oh god just tell me."

"Okay, this person's name is-" *Riiiiing* The bell sounds to signify the start of classes.

I sit tightly and straight, Jill pokes me and whispers, "Come on tell me first, no one cares about that stupid bell."

My head titled a bit to the side then I shrugged, "The name-"

"Sara Blake." I was startled for a second and Jillian took notice of this. She bolted her head to the front where the blackboard should be. The voice came from a petite female in front, she wore heels which made her a bit taller. The lady had dark hair, I couldn't make out the face because her back was turned from us. Her hand quickly chalked out a messy handwriting which I read as Sara Blake.

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