Where am I?

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Serenity's POV

All day I have had my mind on Jeff. It's fucking 4:00 PM and I can't get over him.

I need to see him. But how? I need to take a walk to clear my mind...

I run downstairs and slip on my jacket along with my shoes. I open the front door and stop.

"GOING FOR A WALK! SEE YOU!" I yell at no one in particular. I walk down the sidewalk an hum to myself. Some people say I'm good at singing but I really don't think so, and I don't have a clue where in walking.

Suddenly I hear a rustling in the bushes. Damn squirrels, getting me all worked up and shit.

What is his plan? It's probably all in my head...I need to stop watching scary movies!

I walk around a little more then I heard more noises but coming from the forest. It wasnt little squirrels I'm hearing either. It was a man. I could tell by the heavy steps creaking and crushing twigs beneath him.

Should I go in there? What if its Jeff! I need to see him again!

I walk into the woods carefully.

"Hello?!" I scream out. No one replies. I can't see anyone either.

"Jeff?!" I call out his name. No reply.

I walk further into the woods. Maybe he is guiding me somewhere.

"Jeff?!" I call out again. He is no where in sight. I feel a presence though. Somewhere very close to me. I feel like I'm being watched..

"Jeff stop hid-" I was cut off by long slender fingers wrapping around my jaws to keep my mouth shut. Suddenly I smell chemicals. Oh shit.

Then everything went black.


My eyes open slowly. After my vision isn't blurred anymore I take in my surrounding.

I'm in a room. It has a basic steel bed that's quit uncomfortable. The walls are wood, much like a cabin would be. There is one window that outlooks some ugly trees. Where am I?

It's just now that I realize I'm tied up. What the fuck! My hands are tied to the steel frame with some good knots in them. No way I would be able get theme lose.

I wiggle around and shake the bed in hopes of trying. I stop at my lame attempt. I hear voices from outside the door.

"She is going to wake up any time now Jeff." Jeff? Oh my god Jeff! Is this his plan? To kidnap me?

"I know Ben. I plan to untie her... I just don't want her to run away." Who's Ben?

"Alright well maybe work some of your Jeffy charm." That guy Ben says with sarcasm. Jeff is quiet charming...

"Yea whatever." Jeff says. Suddenly the door creeks open reveling Jeff and that so called Ben guy.

"Morning Serenity." Jeff says and walks over to me. I look over at Ben who is smirky at me. He looks like a creepier version of link from Legends of Zelda.

"Jeff it's fucking 7 your moron." I slept for that long. I laugh at Bens comment to Jeff's morning thing.

"Haha very funny smart ass." Jeff says annoyed.

"So Serenity...you probably wonder why your here. Well you know how I talked about my plan? Ta da!" He says and chuckles. I feel tears well up in my eyes. What about my little brother? I don't want to live here...I don't want to be his prisoner....

"Will you please let me go?" I ask quietly. Jeff shakes his head. He has a look of sorry in his eyes.

"Serenity...you won't regret being here trust me." He says then waits for a little while then elbows Ben In his side.

"Oh yea...yea. Serenity we will take care of you. Anything for a pretty girl like you." He winks at me a Jeff gives him dirty looks.

"Listen." Jeff speaks up. "I will untie you if you promise not to run away. You will never make your way home anyways. It's hours from here. Just promise me you won't run?" He pleads.

"O-okay..." I say and Jeff smiles. Well more than his permanent smile.

"Yay!" Ben yells then runs out of the room. Jeff comes over and starts undoing the knots. Wow he is a good knot tier.

"It will take you a will to get used to it here but I know you will learn to love it. I'm not keeping you as prisoner. I'm keeping you as mine." He winks at me. He finished up the other knot and my hands are free. I rub my wrists. They hurt and itch.

"Yea sorry about that." He says then runs the back of his neck awkwardly. He actually seems sweet. "So I want you to meet the others. They can't wait to meet you. I have been telling them about since I was going to kill you that one day." He smiles at the thought of it. Meeting me? Maybe...

I stand up and just stare at Jeff not knowing what to do next. He grab my hand and electricity shoots up my arm and spreads through my body. What was that?! I have never felt that way before!

He guides me down a dark scary hall and to a living room. When I get there I almost shit my pants at the sight I see.

It's a tall slender man, he has no face and he is wearing a suit. his arms almost reach the ground and his legs are a little longer than his arms. That's the scariest shit I have ever seen.

Just before I can scream Jeff's hand smacks over my mouth.

"Shhh! It's only slendy." Jeff says as if its obvious. He removed his hand from my mouth. Like Im gonna know who the fuck slendy is!

Slendy comes and bends down so he is closer to me height instead of a fucking giant!

"She a pretty one Jeff. She looks good front and back." He must have been the one who captured me earlier. Wait..he talks! He has no fucking mouth! Now that's some scary shit!

"She is indeed. She will learn to love us." He says with a big smile. Slendy laughs and stands back up.

A girl walks out from the hallway and looks me up and down. She puts her hand out...I assume she wants me to shake it?

"Hey. I'm Sally. It will be nice to have another girl around here instead of just all these guys. Horny bastards too. It sucks." She laughs and I shake her hand.

"I'm Serenity." I say shyly.

"No need to be shy darling. You will have to get used to me." She smiles at me. She is nice.

Jeff sits me down on the couch and sits down next to me.

"The others should be out here soon." He said and then scooted closer. I felt a little awkward. For being kidnaped I'm actually not that scared or anything. I'm actually a little happy to get away from my dad and mom...I yawned. I'm tired.

"Ummm. I'm tired." Jeff just looks at me. I can't tell if he is smiling or not.

"You will be sharing a room with me." He says and gets up off the couch. "I'm a little tired to." He helps me up and then guides me to his room. I see a dog laying on the bed. He gets up after he sees me and starts licking my hand. I giggle.

"Aw!" I say and Jeff laughs.

"That's smiley. My dog. Grinney is a fucking lazy ass." He points to a cat. "That's my cat grinney." Jeff throws a Tshirt and me. I slip it on and Jeff slips some sweatpants on. He gets in bed and I slide in after him.

I was a little afraid to move...I don't want to be annoying or anything.

"I'm glad you didnt run away." He says then wraps his arm around my stiff body. I loosen up at his touch and he snuggles closer. I could get used to this. I smiled.

Today was...weird

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