A New Friend?

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Someone's shaking me. I opened my eyes to find a guy looming over me. I stare at him for a moment to take in his features. Olive skin, green eyes, jet black hair, sharp eyebrows, and muscular. An expression of puzzlement on his face.

"HELLO!" he yells

Being shaken back to reality, I sit up and realize that I'm still on the beach. Mom and Dad are going to MURDER ME.

"Are you alright?" he says nervously

"Yes. I'm sorry, I'm still a bit hazy from my rest. Thank you for waking me. "I said cautiously.

For all I know, this boy could be dangerous. A murderer even. Although he doesn't look like one, I should still be careful.

"My name is Christopher. I was just driving past the beach and saw you lying here. I just wanted to make sure you were okay". Christopher says

"Well, uhm, thanks, Christopher, that was very kind of you. My name's Allison" I reply

"Well, Allison, may I ask why I found you sleeping on the beach?" Christopher questions

"Do you really want to know?" I say in a disbelieving tone

Christopher nods his head.

"Well, I was at a party last night with a couple of my friends. It was late and they were drinking, and there were so many people. I just needed some fresh air. So I went out to the patio and saw my-"

I get cut off by the ringing of my phone. Christopher shifts a curious glance while I look at the caller ID.

"Oh crap, its L..Lucas" I stammer out

"Who's Lucas?" Christopher asks

"One of my big brothers" I reply

I answer the phone and put it on speaker, so I can gather my things. Then all I hear is rage.

"Allison Penelope Dahlia Carson WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU. Mom is worried sick, and Dad is pissed. Lily is wondering where her big sister is. Liam just got done yelling at your friends for leaving you alone, and I'm ready to send out a search party. So now I'm gonna ask you again, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU." Lucas finishes

"I'm at the beach. It's not that serious. I am in no way, shape, or form hurt. I am okay. So would you please calm down?" I say as I redo my bun

"Calm down? CALM DOWN? Do you have any idea how many times we've called? You were gone all night, and your friends said you left without a trace. What has gotten into you?" Lucas replies

After a moment of pure contemplation, I muster up what little sanity I have left.

"Look, would you just get home, please. Just so we can all see you're okay with our own eyes?" Lucas concludes

"Yea, I'll be there," I say faintly

When I hang up, I glance up to see Christopher starting with a look of bewilderment. How much more humiliation must I endure? Not only did a super cute guy find me on the beach, but he also heard my brother's big rant just now. Why is this my life?

After standing up and brushing the sand off of my big hoodie, I stalk off the beach. On my way towards land, I hear Christopher call after me.

"Where are you going?" Christopher says while getting up

"Didn't you hear? I gotta make my way home and prepare to explain myself." I retort

Catching up to me, he says, "Well, at least let me give you a ride."

Staring him in the eye for a moment, I nod in acceptance. Following him to his Chevy Camaro, he so graciously opens the door for me. When I climb in, the scent of leather engulfs my lungs. I'm completely aware that I just got in a car with a stranger I met less than twenty minutes ago. I'm also completely aware that he could possibly be a serial killer. However, his presence is just so comforting. Like you have all the support you need. I can't really explain it, but I have a good feeling about him.

"Okay, so where are we headed?" Christopher asks

"My house is just right outside of the vineyards," I say.

"Sorry, but you're gonna have to give me directions. I literally just moved here from Oregon yesterday". Christopher says, cooly

"Ooh, Oregon? That's so cool. So what made you move to big bad Nevada?" I reply

"Just my Dad's job. Nothing too serious".

Giving him a nod, he smiles his perfect white teeth at me. Several directions later and we're at my house.

"Think you're gonna be able to get back on your own?" I manage

"Yeah, I'll be cool. Besides, It seems like you're needed here." Christopher says, letting out a chuckle.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. But um, thank you, Christopher. For everything I mean. You didn't have to help me, but you did so I guess that counts for something." I say

"Yeah, anytime for sure. Hey, I was wondering if we could, um, exchange numbers? You know, just in case if you ever find yourself in a situation and you need some h..help?" He stammers

Unlocking my phone, I go to the keypad so he could give me his digits. Once he takes the phone and puts it in his number, he does the same and hands me his phone. Giving him my number was something I did not expect to happen.

Taking my phone back, I climb out of the car. After giving him a final wave, I turn to walk to the door. I didn't hear the engine start, so I'm assuming that he's making sure I get inside first after opening the door and stepping in. I hear him drive off. Then, a whole lot of yelling.

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