Oversharing and Trauma

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Shinsou Hitoshi,

The newest member of class 2-A, who transferred into the hero course after being personally trained by the class's homeroom teacher.  

He… had issues. 

A lot of issues. 

The other members of class 2-A seemed to like him well enough (despite their tense first encounter at the sports festival.)

On the first day of school, when Shinsou claimed he "Wasn't here to make friends," his peers took it as a personal challenge, and all attempted to befriend him out of pure, unfiltered spite. 

Even Bakugo demanded that he start coming to the Baku-Squad Study Sessions™ to quote "help those stupid fucking extras." 

Usually their study sessions are filled with SOME conversation, but Shinsou spent almost the entire time talking about school work, refusing to engage in anything besides that. He only lightened up after Kaminari mentioned the stray cat he's been feeding (of course). 

They quickly realized that in a sense, Shinsou and Aizawa were very similar. They both had a one track mind that focused solely on work.

Of course, there were plenty of other similarities between them. For example, they both had dark circles under their eyes that seemingly dragged the life from their bodies 24/7. They lacked of any sort of real hair care, had very cynical views of the world, and closely guarded demeanors.

It was pretty easy to see exactly what Aizawa saw in this kid. 

There was of course one major difference between them that eliminated their initial "Shinsou is a clone" theory (besides their looks). Unlike Aizawa, Shinsou at least knew how to emote, and was fairly open about his personal life. 

For example, one Sunday morning Shinsou was called away from his breakfast to talk to Aizawa-Sensei in private. 

They talked in the other room for a bit before Shinsou came back out. 

Kaminari took a bite of his toast, his eyes lighting up a bit when Shinsou moved his bowl to sit next to him. "So, what was that about?"

"Nothing much. Aizawa-Sensei and a few others arrested my dad last night for smuggling drugs or something." Shinsou spooned a big helping of cereal into his mouth, not quite realizing the gravity of what he just said.

Kaminari almost dropped his toast.

"Your father…like your actual father was arrested by Aizawa-Sensei?"

"Yeah, and?" Shinsou casually shoveled more cereal into his mouth and looked around at his peers, all who looked concerned for his well-being. 

Ashido Mina, who overheard the conversation while waiting for Bakugo to finish making the group's coffee, decided to chime in. "And? And?? your father just got arrested. By our teacher no less… what about your mom? How did she react to all this?"

He leaned over, placing his head in his hand as he rolled his eyes, clearly done with this conversation. "He's been in and out of prison since before I was even born. It's nothing new to me. My mom ditched when I was like two, so I doubt think she cares too much either."

Bakugo almost looked a little concerned while he poured everyone's coffee. "Then who the hell do you live with outside of school? Your grandma or somethin'?"

Shinsou shoved the last spoonful of cereal into his mouth. 

"Foster care . duh " 

Silence engulfed the room while he chugged his milk. When he got up, he was stopped by Kaminari who gripped his shoulder. 

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