Inspirational Quotes

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*When you need something to believe in start with yourself

*Our society has made us feel insucure and scared to be ourselves

*Keep your head up, Keep your heart strong

*Just because you're hurt, doesn't mean your broken

*Nothing would be put in your life if you weren't strong enough to get through it

*There's gonna be some things in life that are going to make it hard for you to smile, but through all you see,all the rain and all the pain, you have to keep your sense of humor and keep on smiling

*Life is a game, PLAY IT

Life is a challenge, MEET IT

Life is an opportunity, CAPTURE IT

*Never underestimate the pain of a person because the truth is everyone is struggling. Its just some people hide it better than others

*If something's worth getting upset about, then there must be something worth getting happy about. And if something's worth getting happy about, then there must be something that matters

*Try to lead,not to be led

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