Inspirational Quotes

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*Be careful what you pretend to be, because that is what you'll become

*Everybody thinks of changing the world but nobody thinks of changing themselves

*Everything happens for a reason, the hard part us finding out what that reason is

*Always think before you speak; you never know whose life your are affecting with your words

*The truth may hurt for a while but a lie hurts forever

*Never stop showing someone how much they mean to you

*It's my life, I'll live it, I'll love it and I won't care what you think of it

* When someone cries it's not just over one thing. It's built up anger and emotions that they've been holding in for too long

*Sometimes its the smallest decisions that can pretty much change your life forever

*In this life we have to take chances. Sometimes they are worth it and sometimes they are not. But I'm telling you now you will never know until you try

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