Part 2

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The car journey was in silent as Cinderella was sleeping peacefully and her head was on Enrico's shoulder in her sleep she unknowingly kept her head on his shoulder and was hugging him. While Cinderella fell asleep Enrico at first decided to complete his work but feeling a weight on his shoulder he turned his head in the left side to see Cinderella's head there, but her black hair was hiding her face from him so he decided to remove the strands on her face which was hiding his beauty from him. Feeling cold air hitting her face, she squirms a little and hugged his waist.

Having no choice he closes his laptop and closed his eyes too, this was another shock to his assistant because Enrico doesn't like anyone touching him. If he wouldn't have seen this with his own eyes he wouldn't have believed it. Because if it was another girl the girl would be lying on the road while they drove away and here Enrico closed his work.

While Cinderella was dreaming about she came here, all old memories with her family were going on in her dream.


Cinderella's name was given by her real mother because she was a fan of fairytales. But she died when Cinderella was 5 and her father married her step-mom. This modern-day Cinderella only have similarity with fairytale Cinderella was they both had stepmothers and step-sisters. But the difference was our Cinderella step-mom and step-sisters weren't evil they loved her dearly. But no one can have a happy life, do they? Our Cinderella has a special power.

Cinderella was sleeping in her dream too when suddenly a bow came in her room, around the same age as her walk towards her sleeping figure on the bed

"Ella, Ella wakes up it's time for you to get up," The boy shouted at her but Cinderella covered her head with another pillow to avoid him

"Ella, Ella," He shouted again but he got no reply

When suddenly, her room doors opened, revealing a beautiful girl with golden hair and blue eyes entering Cinderella's room. And she shook her head seeing her still sleeping, so she walks towards her.

"Elli you are still sleeping," She said while shaking her

"Sisy, let me sleep na," Cinderella said while her eyes still closed

"Wake her up Jaiz or she will miss her flight," Said the boy shaking his head

"No you can't sleep anymore, or else you will miss the flight, come on now get up," Jaiz said while pulling her up with both of hand

"Ummm, flight what flight," Cinderella said while giving questioning than reality struck her and her eyes got bigger

"Remember now," Jaiz said and raised her head up, questioning her

"Flight, UK, university of course," Cinderella shouted while jumping out of the bed

"Get ready fast I am going downstairs," Jaiz said and she passes into the boy who was standing in the room and he got invisible for a second and came back again

Yes, you heard it right because the boy was not a human he is a ghost. Who is only visible to Cinderella, this is the special power gifted to Cinderella from her ancestors. This power runs through her family.

Cinderella step-mom is a businesswoman and has a close relationship with the Carvalho family because her best friend is the daughter in law of that family. As she can't accompany Cinderella to the UK she asks help from them, and Mrs Cavalho agreed to keep her safe.

She wore cream colour full sleeves top with turtle neck with blue jeans and brown Jacket on it. She walks downstairs and bide her goodbyes with her family, and went to the airport as she doesn't want to disturb anyone else her mom got angry with her this decision but no one can change once she decides something.

So, now she is now like this she is in the UK, without knowing anyone here.


Her phone was ringing continuously, her mom was calling her to know if she found Enrico or not. But her daughter forgot her order and slept peacefully without any tension. And on top of that, she kept her phone on silent mode, due to which Enrico couldn't hear the sound too.

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