••☆ Chapter 2: "Meet Mr. Regret" (Part1) ☆••

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On Saturday, Dylan was invited to a car show to flaunt one of his luxury cars

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On Saturday, Dylan was invited to a car show to flaunt one of his luxury cars. He came with Max and Steve. While he was talking to other car owners, a guy approached his green Mercedes-Benz AMG GT 2020.

"Cool" he murmured, staring at the shiny green car in front of him. He came closer to it and attempted to touch its hood.

"Uh-uh! Sorry man, but no touching." Dylan told him.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just... I mean... Wow! Your car is super gorgeous. I love the color." the guy complimented. He looked really amazed.

"Yeah. I just bought it last month." Dylan bragged. He acted humble, but his tone sounded a bit arrogant.

"Really? ...How much a car like this would cost?" the guy asked in a curious tone.

"Well, it's... (sniggered) Do you really want to know? I mean, I don't want to give you a heart attack." Dylan sneered, but again, he acted casual.

The guy noticed his rude behavior. He was a bit offended. "Yeah, it's true. I can never afford a car like this, so... (nodded) you're right. You better not tell me." he replied calmly.

"$251,900, Hybrid" Dylan boasted. "I hope you can still sleep soundly tonight." he added, then he sniggered and looked at his friends, but they did not support his impolite actions.

"What? I was just kidding." he told them. When he looked back at the guy, he was gone.

"You're such a dick, Dylan. You don't have to say that. You offended him." Max said.

"Come on. I just told him the truth. He obviously can't afford a car like this. He shouldn't have bothered to ask me how much it cost." he replied.

"First, you said you were kidding. Now, you mean it?" Max questioned. He still disapproved his friend's rude manners, but he played it cool and acted calm.

"Is this an argument?" Dylan asked. He sounded a little pissed.

"No. I'm just trying to tell you to be a little nicer to people who are not as lucky as you." he explained.

"Since when did you become my mother telling me what I should do and what I should not?" Dylan asked in an upset tone.

"All right, just forget it." he gave up.

"Will you please stop lecturing me like I'm a kid. We're friends. You should support me." Dylan dictated.

"Sorry, but I will not agree with that... I will never support your rude and childish behavior, because if I do that, I ain't a friend to you then." he replied, still maintaining his calm tone.

"So, this is really an argument, huh, Max?" Dylan asked again.

"Hey guys, what are you doing? Cut it out. We're not here for this." Steve reminded them.

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