When They Get Sad

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Max -

When he gets made fun of for having Mr. Honeynuts or someone steals the bear from him, you temporarily become Ms./Mr./Mx. Honeynuts 2.0. Either that, or he steals your hoodie.

Nikki -

When she gets a nightmare, you stay with her for however long she needs you.

Neil -

Whenever his experiments don't work, he gets the big sad. And so, you steal Gwen's phone and watch some Bill Nye.

Nerris -

When they gets in a fight with Harrison and they lose, you cheer them up with some LARPing.

Nurf -

When he gets reminded of his life back home or when he's angry at Chris, you cuddle him and call him cute pet names to make him feel loved and happy :)

Harrison -

When he feels guilty about making his brother disappear, you slow dance with him. Even if there's no music, you will slow dance.

Ered -

When she feels uncool, you remind her you love her (so much, you say it so much) and she gets the big happ.

Spacekid -

He misses his mom a lot, so you gather up some stuff and bake some treats and sleep under the stars with him.

Dolph -

Sometimes a camper will either purposefully or accidentally ruin one of his paintings, so you and him repaint the painting with him and make it better :)

Preston -

Whenever a play fails, you and him dress up as Heather Chandler and Veronica Sawyer and sing your hearts out to Heathers so he feels happy
(no joke he will literally wear the skirt)

Jasper -

When he misses the campers and David, you put on your best David impression and talk to him as if you were David and he feels better

David -

When he misses Jasper, you cheer him up with his three favorite guys: Bob Ross, Ben, and Jerry.

Gwen -

When she has an anxiety attack or she hates herself, you watch some romance movies and sometimes reenact scenes from them


no you don't do the less than appropriate scenes

Pikeman -

When he feels like he's not a good leader, you literally slap some sense into him
and it actually makes him feel better
it's not a kink
even if it was
don't fucking kink shame him

Petrol -

When he feels like he's a bad friend, you call him Cuddle Bug and he's a happy boi :D

Snake -

Whenever he feels like he's not strong or feels insecure, you steal some Flowerscout cookies for him :)

Sasha -

When she realizes she's being toxic and begins to hate herself for it, you two chill by the lake and cuddle till she feels better

Erin -

Her heterochromia makes her feel insecure sometimes, and when it does, you put husky ear clips in her hair and call her a husky, bc most huskies have heterochromia and she likes them, therefore she happy :D

Tabii -

Her eyepatch makes her feel insecure, so you just paint it to make it look fun and colorful and she's happy

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