When You Do Something Cute

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Max -

When you use a high pitched voice
he goes crazy

Nikki -

When you do cute lil borks
she also goes crazy

Neil -

When you stick your tongue out randomly and make cute noises
he will ascend

Nerris -

When she beats you in a fighting LARP and you make angy (remember, there's a difference between angy and angry) noises
she lets you steal her ice cream

Nurf -

I don't need to specify
he thinks everything you do is cute
and he goes stupid for you

Harrison -

Also thinks everything you do is cute
and is also a bit obsessive but shhhhh

Spacekid -

do I need to specify

He goes bonkers for you no matter what

Ered -

When you do cool skate tricks
she's proud of herself
but also questions
"how the fuck did I get myself a such a great boyfriend/girlfriend/enbyfriend"

Dolph -

When you sing while you paint
"[insert Le Festin]"
he loves it when you do that

Preston -

When you're dramatic
death by fanboy

Jasper -

When you use 80's and 90's slang and/or sing The Beatles
happy ghost

David -

When you both share the same happiness
he somehow gets happier

Gwen -

When you reenact her fanfics
again, goes crazy

Daniel -

When you meme on Xemug and sacrifices
he feels like he loves you even more
example of memeing on Xemug;
- you will t-pose when sacrificing

Pikeman -

thinks everything you do is cute
he doesn't show it, but he secretly loves everything you do

Petrol -

When you fall asleep in his arms
it drives him crazy protective

Snake -

When you snap at someone
oh boy

Sasha -

When you customize your uniform into something even cuter
possessive mode activated

Erin -

When you meme on your flaws
she loves how brave you are when you do it

Tabii -

When you customize her eyepatch
she loves your creativity for it :)

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