Fujiwara wants to Play!

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In the past, Shuchi'in admitted students of the upper crust of society. The likes of nobility, and samurai alike. Yet as the class system was broken down, the rich and the popular sent their children to Schuchi'in and teach the new generation who will lead Japan!

"Please remain quiet for the President's speech." The pink-haired woman with a black bow said to the microphone. A tall figure walk the stage before the whole student assembly can see the familiar glare and blonde hair. Behind the figure, the familiar grace and noble figure.

Of course, no ordinary person or body can lead these future leaders. No! The top of the top, the cream of the crop, these people leads Shuchi'in's student body.

Shirogane Miyuki! He isn't rich by any means, unlike most of the students in Shuchi'in, but don't let that fool you!Others might say that he is unpure or that he isn't that talented, but his tenacity, smarts and hard work has proven himself the best of the best to lead these future leaders!

Shinomiya Kaguya! As the member of the Shinomiya Zaibatsu, and the daughter of the main Shinomiya family and with the top net worth of trillions, her multi-talented genius with the addition of her money, wits and wisdom has made her the perfect woman to accompany Shirogane!

As Shirogane finished what he had to say, he stepped back from the microphone.

"Thank you very much!" Kaguya and Miyuki said as they bowed ceremoniously to the students before they stepped down and walked down the long pathway to the exit.

"They look so great together" some of the girls started to whisper, and some having their mouths wide open at the grace which the two seem to give, as they finally reached the doors and a bright, blinding light enters and leave as quickly, before the two were gone.

Of course, you, delightful and beloved readers wouldn't be here if you didn't know already. Their journey has been of long. Wits and IQ have clashed between these two, before these two, who swore that they will be the victor...

Kaguya and Miyuki, as they entered the empty room of the Student council, immediately cuddled, in where they stood.


These two who fought for almost a year, finally broke down their defenses and they admitted their feeling to each other in the Heart Festival, which they then sealed with a (french) kiss!

Miyuki's hand played with Kaguya's jet black hair, as Kaguya buried her face in Miyuki's chest. A prime example of a lover's embrace!

The door creaked open, and they instantly separated.

"Heyyo!" A bright cheery voice greeted before entering the room

"Hello, Fujiwara-san"

"Ahhh, Fujiwara-san, Good afternoon" Miyuki greeted out to a cute, pink-haired woman with a bow on her head.

Chika Fujiwara! The secretary of the student council, she is a prime example of an unknown variable! Once always (unknowingly) destroying the plans of the two geniuses by her pure chaos, her bright, bubbly personality always light up the room, with the exception of the Student council, which then, she becomes overwhelmed with IQ points that may have reached over a 1000

"Fujiwara-senpai, wait up!" Another voice had said before a brunette with an innocent look and a band that said 'disciplinary commitee' on her arm entered the room.

Miko Iino! Part of the disciplinary committee, she joined the student council after she failed to win the election for president by Miyuki, her strict policies are mainly in part due to her inner perv and her desire to find a boyfriend that will satisfy her inner pervy desires!

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