Chapter 4

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Morning of the next day

Marcarita's POV

Marcarita: Goku, wake up you sleepy head.

Goku: 5 more minutes?

Marcarita: I will drop you in the lake if you don't get up!

Goku: Fine, drop me in the lake it'll get me a headstart on fishing.

Marcarita: You asked for it!

Teleports to Lake

Marcarita: *Snaps fingers*

Goku: Woah, cold cold!

Marcarita: Told you so.

Goku: Yes you did.*Dives underwater*

Marcarita: Goku. GOKU!

Goku: *Jumps out of water with big fish in hand, and gets Marcarita all wet* Sorry about that.

Marcarita: It's ok.

Goku: Are you sure? *Notices It's skin tight because it's wet* * Blushes tomato red*

Marcarita: Goku why are you blushing? * Notices skin tight clothes* Oh, that's why.

Goku: *Turns face around to hide as much blush as he can*.

Marcarita: *Uses staff to dry clothes* You can look now Goku.

Goku: Phew, sorry there I didn't know you were standing so close to the lake.

Marcarita: It's ok.

Goku: By the way, nice figure.

Marcarita: *Blushes tomato red*

Goku: You okay there, your as red as a tomato.

Marcarita: I-I'm fine Goku. Now on with the training.

Same as Whis's training for the most part.

Goku: * Pants* Geez Marcarita your training is harder than Whis's training.

Marcarita: I know, I made it harder because I know you have a lot of potential. I saw that you reached UI in the Tournament of Power, and I want to see if you can reach that form once more and see how much power you can use.

Goku: Oh that I was able to do that a few times with Whis after the Tournament of Power. But I can't seem to keep the form for long.

Marcarita: Well that's what your here for isn't it to get stronger and achieve new heights thought unimaginable.

Goku: Your right, I need to get stronger so I can finally beat Jiren and be one of the strongest in the cosmos.

Marcarita: That's the spirit!

Goku: Let's keep going.

Marcarita: Right you are Goku.

After intense training session.

Marcarita: Good job Goku you made me use 5 percent of my power, but a bit of advice, train more in your base form so your other forms are even more powerful.

Goku: I'll keep that in mind. Well goodnight Marcarita, and see you tomorrow for more training.

Marcarita: Yes Goku I will see you in the morning. Maybe I'll have to drop you in the lake tomorrow as well.

Goku: Fine by me.

Marcarita: Don't tempt me Goku. *Chuckles*

Goku: Well see you in the morning.

Marcarita: Same goes to you.

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