Chapter 2

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Marcarita's POV

Marcarita: Lord Belmod, Goku from universe 7 is coming to Universe 11 to have another fight with Jiren is that okay with you?

Belmod: Yeah yeah whatever as long as it doesn't get me involved

Marcarita: Well there stopping here first

Belmod: Ok, how long till they get here Marcarita?

Marcarita: Approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Belmod: Prepare to welcome them

Marcarita: Yes my Lord

1 hour and 15 minutes later

Marcarita: Lord Belmod our guests have arrived from Universe 7.

Belmod: Please go welcome them I'll be there in a minute.

Gokus POV

Gokus Mind: When we got there I saw this beautiful lady standing outside waiting for us and she kinda looked like Whis.

Whis: Goku meet Marcarita she is my sister and the attendant to Universe 11s God of Destruction.

Goku: Nice to meet you Marcarita I'm Goku. sticks out hand to shake.

Marcarita: "Blushes" Y-yes nice to meet you Goku as my brother said my name is Marcarita and I am the attendant to Lord Belmod.


arcarita: So what did you come here exactly for Son Goku?

Goku I mostly came here for a rematch against Jiren, but I did come here for another reason but that's something that you'll figure out on your own Marcarita.

Whis: Oh Goku you didn't tell me that you were coming here for another reason other than a rematch with Jiren. May you tell me what that other reason is?

Goku: No.

Whis: Why won't you tell me what that other reason is Son Goku?

Goku: If you stay a bit longer you'll find out what that other reason is Whis.

Whis: Now I'm interested on finding out what your other reason is.

Marcarita: Me to Whis.

Whis: Well Marcarita can you take us to Jiren so we might find out this other reason is for Son Goku to come to Universe 11.

Marcarita: Yes let's go

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