16: Little Bull on the Prairie

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You guys are really gonna hate me and the top is Total Trauma, great comics!

Don narrates, "Last time on the Ridonculous Race!" Flashbacks begin to show as he continues, "New Zealand took many of our remaining teams to highs and lows." He and the flashbacks continues more, "Dwayne tried to impress his son with a tattoo, cool, that's for girls only!"

Flashbacks continues as does Don, "But Devin went from super sad to super mad as he got he and Carrie from the bottom 3 to 2nd." Flashbacks begin to show Emma and Noah 'kissing', Cody yelling Noah, and Noah slapping Josée with the fish, "But it was on Noah and Emma, who 'kissed' because of Josée, which Cody didn't take quite well, even Noah gave Josée a fish slapped."

The flashbacks finished as Don finished, "Someone is bound to be going home tonight, but who? Can't wait to find out! On this episode of! The Ridonculous Race!" He smiled.

Noah's POV

I take after Cody, who ran ahead of me. "Cody! Come on! I'm telling you what happened!" I yelled, feeling my heartbreaking, "Josée made Emma kissed me!" I still see Cody didn't listen. I sighed sadly as we made it to Emma and Kitty.

"Oh no Emma." Cody said as he gets in the cab with Emma, who eyes widen, "You can ride with your boyfriend!" Emma was about to protest but the door was shut as the cab drove off...he doesn't want to be in the cab with me...

Emma growled, "I don't wanna be rude, but Cody is now a BEEP." I was angry at that...but my heart is too hurt as I was thinking of Cody..."Yeah..." I mumbled as I looked down, sadly.

Cody's POV

I was in the same cab with Kitty, who looked surprised. "Cody? Why didn't you ride the same cab with Noah?" She asked as I tensed up...I looked down... "I just...didn't want to talk to Noah right now..." I replied, feeling my heart wrenched.

I keep ignoring Noah and tuned him out so I won't hear him...but I thought he loves me...but I guess not...but even though I said I loved him...I still do..."Cody..." I hear Kitty as I looked at her, "You need to let Noah talk, I'm sure Noah and Emma didn't kiss." I crossed my arm to think about it...maybe?

Noah's POV

Once we got to the airport, we had to wait for our plane with the Sisters and Father and Son. I looked at Cody, who was sitting alone, listening to music and reading a book. I walked over to him, only for him to see me and move before I can get to him...

I sighed and sits down, feeling tears forms. I'm starting to think that Cody doesn't love me anymore...I guess Josée did break my heart...

On the plane as I was sitting 2 seats ahead from Cody, who didn't want to sit next to me...I really do want to talk to Cody... but he seemed really pissed at me...

Cody's POV

I was looking out the window, sadly. I really do miss Noah next to me, telling me jokes, read with him...but I'm now thinking about what Kitty said...did they not kiss?

After the LOOOONNNNG plane ride, we had to drive to our next Don Box. Noah's, obviously, driving as I was in passenger seat...it was a quiet ride...I see Noah, looking upset and sad...which made my heart wrenched.

Noah's POV

I wanted to tell Cody...but...I think he won't really listening to me...so I stayed quiet...I looked at Cody, who seemed ashamed...I sighed, "Cody-" I begin, but instantly stopped as he looks at me.

I sighed and looks ahead, "Nevermind..." I said as I bear him scoffed. "Of course..." He said, sounding mad, "You just trying to make me feel bad for you, because of you and Emma!" I was surprised as I looked at him. "What do you mean???" I asked, seeing him rolled his eyes.

"Oh come on!" He yelled, crossing his arms, "You're trying to act hurt so I can apologize for being a BEEP!" I was confused and shocked, the fuck is he talking about?!

Cody's POV

=Confessional of Self=

I was rubbing my neck, "Yeah...my anger sometimes grow onto me...which is kinda a problem..." I admitted, "I don't want to mean to Noah, but my anger side is over controlling."

=End of Confessional of Self=

I see Noah became mad, "What do you mean?!" He yelled, "It's not my fault you're stubborn and wouldn't listen to me!!" Stubborn?! Why you jackass! Ok now I'm really mad! I glared at Noah, crossing my arms. "I'm stubborn?! From the first Total Drama, you were a selfish jerk!! You couldn't throw a ball!!" I yelled as he glares back at me.

"So what?! I don't do sports! But it doesn't mean you should act like Courtney!!" He yelled as my eyes widen, did he just said I was a Courtney?! (PLEASE DON'T HATE ME!!! I LIKE COURTNEY!!!)

Noah's POV

He's starting to piss me off!! He's now accusing me for acting?! I'm not! "Excuse me?!" He yelled, but I'm not done yet, "And let's not forget the fact that you were practically was all over Gwen before!! You were obsessive with her like Trent was!!" I yelled more as I see Cody's face showing hurt.

I see him growled, "Oh? Like the fact how you got embarrassed by your ex???" Cody asked me as my eyes widen...what is he doing... "I mean, your ex humiliated you! Ear Kisser!" He yelled as I felt my heart break...

Sure he called me that at times...but it hurts really bad when he said that...I felt tears form but I looked ahead. "I guess I had made a wrong choice to bring you, huh?" I mumbled, but I think Cody heard as I see his eyes widen from the mirror.

Cody grabbed something from his pocket...it was the rabbits foot...so much for good luck, huh..."Then I guess I won't be needing this." He mumbled, tossing it on my lap... I grabbed it and puts it in my pocket...now it became really quiet on the ride to the Don Box.

Cody's POV

Yeap...I lost my chance with Noah...now it's more uncomfortable now that we hate each other...like the Haters...

We made it as we got out, grabbed our tip, and ran inside while the Sisters are ahead of us. We had to eat some beans as we made it to a table. The waiter served it to us as we begin to eat, without saying anything to each other... God this is so awkward...

I see Carrie looked at me, "Cody?" She asked as I looked at her, both of us still eating, "How's everything with Noah?" God my heart hurts- Noah chuckled as we looked at him, "Oh don't ask, Mr. Camel Spit Drinker here is just gonna be a whiny brat." He said, smirking.

I glared at him, "Oh shut up and go make out with some other ear." I said, seeing his eyes rolled as he continues to eat. I see Carrie look heartbroken at what she witness, I scoffed, "Don't worry, he's dating someone else anyway." I said hearing Noah growled as we continue to eat.

Noah's POV

We finished eating as Cody grabbing the tip, chuckling at what he read. "Hope you have fun riding a bull." He tells me as my eyes widen, looking as I see a freaking mechanical bull. I gulped as I became more scared.

After Kitty nailed it, I put on my helmet as I slowly got onto it. I hold on as it begin to move fast as I became more scared screaming at times. I hear Cody laughed at me...I felt heartbroken...which made me mad as I hold onto it hard, slowly begin to get used to it.

Once I hear the ding. I got off, smirking and taking off the helmet as I glared at Cody, who rolled his eyes. We both ran off to the chill zone. Once we made it, Don tells us, "Pros, 7th place!" I rolled my eyes, walking off, away from Cody...once I got far...I begin to cry...

He hates me...

Cody's POV

I see Noah leaved as I walked off, but not where Noah was going. I sit down as I sighed sadly, "Why do I have unlucky love..." I mumbled as I hear someone came up. "Cody..." I hear as I look and see Kitty and Carrie.

"You can't lose Noah." Carrie tells me as Kitty nods, "You guys are meant to be." Kitty also added as I sighed, looking ahead. "Look, I'll be fine..." I tell them, feeling my heart hurt, "I'll just...ignore it..." I see the girls looking down, but they hugged me.

"We'll be here if you want to talk." Kitty replied as the girls smiled, "That's what friends do." Carrie replies as I smiled a bit...but it was fake...like me?

I'm so sorry!!

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