21: Ca-Noodling

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Don narrates, "Last time on the Ridonculous Race!" Flashbacks begins as Don continues, "Things got spice in Mexico! Devin picked out a potent pepper to impress Carrie, but the pepper won."

Don continues as flashbacks shows NoCo's win and Noah's fiery breathe, "The Ice Dancers was heading for gold, but for the first time, the Pros took first place, and Noah became a dragon." He chuckled. Flashbacks was finishing up as Don continues, "But the Ice Dancers did succeed on ousting of those creepy Goths, and it was a double elimination as the Surfer Dudes was gone too."

Don was by the Don Box as he he finished, "Who will disappear this week? Find out right now on! The Ridonculous Race!" He smiled.

Noah's POV

Don came up, looking at the camera, "Welcome back to Mexico! Where the Pros are the first to depart, right after Noah is done with his Fortnite dance." He said and he's right. I was doing Take The L with a smirk with Cody was laughing his butt off, Kitty recording with Emma laughing, Carrie and Devin was laughing too, and Josée and Jacques was annoyed, looking mad. "Take the L, losers." I said, still doing the dance.


Cody was laughing as I was smirking. "That...was so embarrassing!" He laughed as I shrugged, "Don't care, we're in first for the first time and I wanna rub it in Josée's face." I replied, seeing Cody smiles while giggling.

=End of Confessional=

Cody's POV

After Noah was done with that hilarious moment, I pressed the button and grabbed the tip as I read it, "Travel to Kanto, Vietnam." I raised an eyebrow, while looking at Noah, who crossed his arms while raising an eyebrow. I continue to read, "We have to find the Don Box at the Mekong River." Noah ran off, "Come on!" He yelled as I follow.

Once we made it to Vietnam, we got off the plane and ran off to the cabs, which was gone. "Dang it." Noah groaned, as the Sisters ran up. "Ugh! No more cabs!" Emma said as I looked, "Hey look!" I pointed at a boy on some kind of bike thingys.

"Well it is transportation." Noah said as us four ran there. Me and Noah sat down as I looked at Kitty, "Well we are in Vietnam." She said as I moved my head to join the selfie, which made her giggled. I hear Noah chuckled as I smiled, until we heard Emma. "No way this kid's fast enough!" She said as she glares at the boy, which scared him. Rude much?

Noah's POV

We was moving with the kid sitting next to Emma and Cody Why? Because Kitty is riding this thing while Emma was 'supporting' her. "Poor Kit." I said as the boy nod and Cody cringed a bit. Once we made it, Emma and I ran up to the Don Box, while Cody goes to Kitty, who was exhausted.

"I can't believe you did that Emma." I tell her as she shrugged, "Sure it's cruel, but you got to do anything to win." She replies as I pushed the button and got the tip. "Let's just hope Kitty will help you out if she's exhausted." I said as Emma got hers.

I read mine as Kitty and Cody came up, "What's it say?" He asked as I look, "It's a Super Team challenge." I replied as Kitty and Cody was confused. Emma explains, "3 teams have to work together on this." That made Kitty and Cody smiled, "Yay!" Cody cheers, as it was adorable.

"Wait, who's our 3rd team?" Kitty asked as I was think, until we heard someone as we looked to see Carrie and Devin, waving at us, well Devin waving at something else. "Over here teammates!" Carrie yelled, smiling as Devin leans forward, "Hurry!" He yelled until he slipped into the water. Crap...


Cody smiles, "Yes! Not only Emma and Kitty is on our Super Super Team, but Carrie and Devin is!" He cheered, I raised an eyebrow. "Even when Devin is well...clumsy?" I asked.

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