☕︎ final message ☕︎

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Dear Reader,

I thank you so much for giving a try and read this book. It isn't that much good but thank you for reaching the end.

I wrote this for reminding that there are people that cares for you and will be with you at the end in sickness or in health. If you're suffering right now, it's okay to cry, it's okay to be mad, it's okay to be disappointed. I'm here for you always, please be well for us, for us who cares for you. It is okay to be upset, don't hold it in. Don't be afraid to talk to someone if you have problems. If you have no one, don't be afraid to talk to me so that I can comfort you. There are people that cares for you and loves you, so keep on fighting.

Remember, love plays with you and then throw you off but it doesn't disappoint you. The feeling when you see them smile, your worries just flew away. There are people who meet but are not for each other, there are people who are meant to be but not the right time. If you like them, don't hesitate to show it. Confess to them  so you don't lose a chance. Be positive always. If they reject you then keep on trying, show how sincere are you. Love is the greatest force on earth but it can also hurt you. Be careful always!! Everyone loves you!!


ms. iza

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