[Chapter 5: Is this even breakfast?]

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"I might not be nice, but I would never hurt people's feelings for fun."



"Is this even breakfast?" Gold exasperately, yet deadpanned stated while arms crossed in her chest. Her face looks like she's done with life, which almost made Funneh laugh. If it weren't for the strange tension in the cafeteria. "What happened?" Rainbow asked the people in the table. Which were Alec, Kyran and the Krew. Taro was with his friends on the other table.

Both Alec and Kyran look at one another, before Alec shrugging his shoulders and Kyran sighing. "It's common, don't worry." Kyran lets out a weak smile, which made the Krew raise a brow at their odd behavior and Kyran's statement. "'Common'? Does that mean there's always this tension in the air?" Gold asked while emphasizing the 'always' word.

Kyran nodded his head as he took a bite of his pasta. At first, the Krew didn't expect much in the cafeteria but they were proven wrong when their servings were actually great! "If this is common, what's the cause of it?" Lunar asked while taking a bite of her cookie, which was a heated debate of her and Gold about how unhealthy it is to eat cookies for breakfast.

Kyran paled as he looks away, probably trying to pretend he didn't hear her question. This made the Krew more curious than ever. Alec sighed as he took a quick sip on his mango juice and setting it on the table with a light thud. "There's a reason why this school is dubbed 'Yandere High School'." Alec blatantly said as he took a bite of his food. "'Yandere High School'?" The Krew repeated.

Rainbow's eyes shone in realization. "Oh! So that's why I saw some article about this place being named 'Yandere High School'!" Rainbow exclaimed as Alec nodded his head. Kyran was still awkwardly trying to avoid the conversation as much as possible. Though he's grateful to Alec, he doesn't need another trauma after that.

"Huh? What do you mean, sis?" Draco asked while tilting his head. "There are rumors circulating around this school. There's been reported many times that a student has gone missing, only to find them dead." Rainbow explained which made Gold gasp. "That's terrible!" Rainbow nodded her head while scratching the back of her dyed pink-colored hair.

"But that's only rumors." Rainbow argued while pursuing her lips. Both Alec and Kyran stayed silent as they munch on their food. The rest of the breakfast went rather awkward. No one dared to talk really. Actually, the whole cafeteria was silent, except for the snobby girls and jocks, and outside noises.

Funneh sighed as she stood up. Gold, Draco and Alec snapped at her sudden action, the two siblings beside her and Alec sitting horizontally from her. The one sitting in front of her was Kyran. "Where're you going, Funneh?" Gold asked while raising a brow. "Chill, Gold. I'm just going to the restroom!" Funneh exclaimed as Gold sighed and made hand motions that says 'Go'. Draco went back to eating while Alec's eyes stayed on her.

This made Funneh awkward as she started to walk away, she can still feel Alec's eyes on her. She tried to walk normally, but her movement resembles a robot really. This made Alec huff in amusement and removed his gaze from Funneh and back to the precious food. When Funneh didn't feel Alec's gaze on her anymore, she sighed in relief. Her cheeks were aflame. She slapped them lightly. "Stopp.. calm down." Funneh mumbled.

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