[Chapter 4: First Morning in Akademi High]

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"There's no match that you can't win, and there's no match that you'll win for sure."

Coach Ukai (Haikyuu!!)



"Funneh! Wake up, you blockhead!"

Funneh grumbled while eyes still closed. She stuffed her face into her pillow, while pulling her blanket to cover her face. Gold has, somehow, managed to enter her room and opened her curtain. Now, the sun is leaking from the outside into her room. The light was too bright for Funneh, who only wanted her sleep. "Noo.. leave me alone, Gold." Funneh whined, like a child she is.

Gold sighed in annoyance of Funneh's behavior. "I'm not dealing this childish behavior this early in the morning! If you don't wake up, I'll have to do it." Gold emphasizes the last part, which resulted in Funneh waking up fully and sitting up abruptly. "I'm up!" Gold grinned in victory as she watch as Funneh hurriedly grab her clothes and went to the bathroom. "That's more like it."


"What happened to you, Funneh?" Lunar asked as she noticed her older sister weird behavior. Funneh sighed and shook her head. "Nothing." Lunar raised a brow but decided to drop it. Afterall, it was still morning. "Where the hell is Draco? He's taking forever!" Gold complained while repeatedly tapping her feet on the ground and arms crossed in front of her chest, and brows furrowed.

"Whoa. What's got Gold's panties twisted?" Rainbow remarked, taking note of Gold's behavior. "It's better not to ask, Rainbow." Funneh said while yawning. Rainbow slowly nodded her head, trusting Funneh's word for it. "If you say so."

They were currently waiting for Draco, who was taking his time to get there. They were going to eat in the cafeteria, and then go to the Counselor's Office to get their schedules. Akademi High don't have uniform, which the Krew is grateful for, but they do have a dress code. It wasn't much, just don't wear short shorts, crop shirts, anything revealing really. Funneh yawned once more, while yawning she noticed her younger brother, accompanied with a boy around the age of Rainbow, probably in the same year as well.

The boy has black hair with black eyes. He's wearing a simple black jacket with white lines around his shoulder-part, gray shirt, gray pants and black shoes. Though he has the emo colors, he doesn't appear emo-like at all. In fact, the opposite. Even when the boy was farther away, Funneh could feel his friendly aura around him. Funneh does admit he's cute, though he's more Lunar's type, now that Funneh think about it. He appears to be friendly, intelligent and quiet at the same time. "Yep. Lunar's type." Funneh agreed in her head as the duo stopped in front of them.

"Sorr—" "Why the hell are you late?!" Gold screamed, which successfully cut Draco off, who flinch at her loudness. The boy beside him flinch as well, not expecting Gold to scream. A few heads around them turn their head towards them, probably wondering why there was screaming. The Krew sweatdrop as Rainbow nervously sweatdropped. "G-Gold.. calm—" "I don't care what your reason is! If we told you a time, you should arrive at THAT time!"

Funneh sighed while placing her hand on her head. Why does this happen every time? She took a quick glance at her other blue-haired sibling at the corner of her eyes, only to see her staring at the boy. "Bingo." Funneh lets out a smirk when she noticed a tinge of pinkness in Lunar's cheeks. But for some reason, she could feel someone staring at them. Funneh looks around, only to find everyone not looking at them. "Huh.."

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