He Doesn't Know. (one shot)

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Just look at him, his eyes so crystal blue, his lips so kissable the way they move and curve when he talks, his ebony hair that is still slightly tinted blue when he’s in the light, and—-“ My thoughts are cut off when he says my name “Dan?” Shit I didn’t realise he had asked me something. “Yeah uhm, what?” I ask awkwardly. “Isn’t it amazing how the water is so quiet tonight?” He asks again. “Ha, Yeah” I reply not even thinking about it, “We’re so lucky that we got a chance to come on this cruise, I heard there’s gonna be a meteor shower tonight!” He says jumping around like a kid on Christmas, Phil and I got offered a cruise ride by BBC radio and of course we took the offer I mean we barely get out of the house so why not for one night, right?

I’m sort of nervous though I’ve like this beautiful boy standing before me for so long it’s ruining me that I can’t have him and I don’t want to tell him in fear of ruining the friendship we have already built but I can’t keep my feelings locked away forever. “Honestly I’ve never seen a meteor shower” I say, he looks at me in shock. “Are you serious?” He asks “Yeah, I’ve heard they’re really cool though” I reply, “They are!” He says sounding joyful “I’m gonna go get a drink, Phil you want one?” I ask “Nah I’m right” I walk inside the cruise ship finally I get to clear my mind, why do my feelings for this boy have to be so strong I don’t know what to do I want to tell him but then I don’t want to. AARRGG this is so frustrating. I could write a whole book about my feelings about this beautiful being and why he is so fucking perfect to me. I grab a drink and quickly drink it to go out and join Phil outside again because this may sound pathetic but I miss his company even though I’ve only been inside for five minutes.

I start making my way out side saying hello to some of the radio crew on my way out, I’m finally outside the night sky scattered with stars and in the middle of the deck stands Phil I smile and walk over to him. “Hey, I’m back” He looks at me for a split second long enough for me to see his beautiful eyes and cute smile, “Hey!” He says smiling at me. God I could melt into that smile. “The meteor shower is due to start in about an hour.” He says “Are you excited?” He adds. “Yeah, should be cool” I say trying to sound excited “Daaaannn, something’s off about you tonight, are you alright?” He asks with slight concern in his voice “Me? Yeah I’m fine.” I laugh. “Hmm alright then.” I try and change the subject by going on Twitter and scrolling through streams of photos from our Photo Booth Challenge video and laughing he tries to see what I’m laughing at so I show him and he laughs along with me we continue laughing at the photos for about ten minutes until we’ve seen them all then we hear muse playing inside and start singing along and dancing on the deck like idiots god why’s he so perfect?

After a while of dancing and singing he looks at his phone and looks at me with the biggest smile I give him a look of confusion and he says “The meteor shower should be starting in, fifteen minutes” I laugh “God, have we been dancing around for that long?” He joins in with the laugh and walks over to the edge of the deck and stares up into the sky analysing every star up there that is in eyes reach I walk up beside him and look down at the slow flowing water under us, I didn’t realise how long I was looking into the water for until I heard Phil say “Dan! It’s started!” I look up and see meteors lighting the sky such like fireworks would and then I feel something on my lips it took me a while to realise that it was Phil’s lips pressed up against mine, before I was able to react and kiss back he pulled of I felt the heat of his lips leave mine and sort of felt sad but oh my god did he really just kiss me? “D-Dan I’m so sorry I don’t what came over me.” He said looking away and hiding his face I grab his shoulders and spin him around wanting the heat of his lips on mine again I remove his hands from his face pull him closer by his waist and kiss him with love and passion I pull back not from choice but because I needed air “Philip Michael Lester, will you be my boyfriend?” I ask nervously but I manage to get it out. He kisses me then pulls back “I take that as a yes then?” I ask and he nods we sat on the deck of the ship cuddling and gazing up at the stars and the meteor shower everything turned out perfectly tonight and I’m so glad we decided to go this trip even if it does mean socialising I have Phil now and he has me.

I guess feelings can be good after all. <3

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