I Like Your Hair When It's Down (Sokka x Reader)

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The sun had just begun to peek through the blinds of the house in Ba Sing Se where the Avatar and his friends slept. Sokka slumbered on, arm thrown over his eyes, snoring softly, while Aang was curled up, breathing lightly. Katara woke with the sun and walked to the slatted windows of the house only to find you sitting there, running your fingers through your hair to get out all the tangles.

Flying on Appa really was hard on your hair, so you had it pulled back into stylish buns on the back of your head almost all the time. It also came in handy when the fire nation was hot on your heels, so really your hair never came down except for a wash.

"Hey," Katara whispered, sitting next to you and removing her hair from her loopies. You smiled at her.

"'Morning," you whispered. "You ready for tonight?"

She turned away from you to stare out the window, the light illuminating her face. Sighing softly, she shot you a nervous smile and continued to rake out her hair.

"I don't know. I guess I'm glad we're trying something fun in this stupid city, but this is so out of my comfort zone." You nodded knowingly at her words, turning back to take a peek at Sokka who had shifted to be face down into the floor, drool pooling around him. In the Upper Ring of Ba Sing Se, lavish parties were thrown for even the smallest of occasions. For example, the night prior there had been a festival for the Earth King's bear. The night before that, it had been a party for the Upper Ring's babies and parents. Babies don't need parties! And the night before that, the cabbage harvest had been bountiful so they threw another party for THAT. You were beginning to wonder when these people didn't throw parties. But tonight's party was something special that had peaked everyone's interest even though they tried not to show it. It was a mixer for the teens of the Upper Ring. Supposedly it was only to "meet new people" and "make new friends" as the flyers put it, but everyone knew it was to try and meet that someone special.

Aang had casually suggested that they should attend so they could get to know the Earth people, but his hopeful look at Katara gave him away. Toph promptly turned her nose up at the thought of going to the mixer, but after minimal convincing she begrudgingly agreed.

Katara had been excited to go dress shopping and attempt to put makeup on. She had even somehow gotten Toph to agree to be her makeup tester. Sokka had been nonchalant about the whole thing, saying that he didn't care if he went or stayed. Toph then whispered to you that he was lying, which made your heart flutter a little bit. You completely missed the look her gave you, full of longing.

You were a very down to earth person. You couldn't bend, but you had grown up on Kyoshi Island and trained with the Kyoshi warriors, so you weren't too bad in a fight. When you fought, you kicked ass. It never ceased to impress. The moment Sokka had his ass handed to him on the Island by you and your warriors, he was head over heels for you. You laughed at his jokes. You were smart. You didn't discount him because he couldn't bend. You routinely fought and argued, but remained best friends. You two had a relationship that the others didn't quite understand.

Toph was the first to realize that Sokka had fallen big time for you. When you and the others were gone, she teased him endlessly, though Toph could completely understand why he liked you. You had a very magnetic personality. Toph was no match maker; that was Sugar Queen's job, but she sometimes would drop hints to you about just how funny or brave or smart Sokka was. Each time you amicably agreed and then swiftly moved on.

The Kyoshi Warriors had no time for relationships, but since you had left the island, you had let your heart wonder exactly what it would be like to be in someone's arms. You were trying to squash those feelings, but the more time you spent with the GAang, the harder it was.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2020 ⏰

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