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Fukase explained the contract to Len in detail once the two arrived to the blonde's apartment.

"Okay... So once I wished all three wishes, you'll disappear from my life and reborn as a human again?" Len asked excitedly.

"Correct." Fukase nodded. "Demons must first help 100 humans before they get the chance to reborn, and you happen to be my 100th customer."

"That's my honor!" Len cheered. "But what happened to you? Howcome you became a demon? Did... you do bad things in your past live?"

"Yea, I r*ped people."

The room went silence.

"... And you believe that!!!" Fukase burst out laughing, which made Len blushed in embarrassment.

Also, at the same time Len found Fukase's smile very appealing.

"Relax, I didn't r*pe anyone." Fukase chuckled more before he continued. "I ah... was a professional killer; I was paid to kill. Probably became a demon after death because I killed too many lives."

Len wasn't sure what to say. "... Why would you ever choose to be a killer..."

"My clients paid a lot. Like, A LOT." Fukase sighed. "I know, I was a bad person back then."

"Well... what happened to you then? Why did you die?"

"Got killed by another professional killer."


"But that was a tie. We both died at the end." Fukase frowned. "And he also became a demon."

"What really?!" Len had to hit himself on the face just to check if this was actually reality; the pain he felt reminded him the fact. "Jeez... Now I don't really feel so lucky..."

Fukase only grinned in return. "Hey, everyone deserves a second chance, right? I want to live again, and this time I'll make sure to be a good person. I need your help."

"But... why me? Of all the person who could summon you... Why pick me?"


Fukase came closer to Len, eventually pressing Len against the wall and the blonde could not escape.

Len was breathing intensively; he was too caught up by Tei Sukone not too along ago that he didn't take enough time to appreciate this redhead who was standing in front of him.

Fukase was wearing a nice black and white suit; he tied his tie in a messy but stylish way, and wearing a golden earring on his left ear.

... This man was freaking hot!!!

"... Like what you see?" Fukase only grinned more by witnessing Len's cute reaction.

"I didn't say anything..."

"Being attractive is a natural thing to demons. After all, we are here to serve the humans... Our customers..." Fukase whispered to Len's ear. "I can serve you in any ways."

Len blushed hard by such statement and closed his eyes shut. "N-N-No I don't need any special service...!!!"

"Whaaaaaaat a pity..." Knowing he has joked the blonde enough, Fukase smiled and walked away and sat down on the sofa.

Len took some time to recover from his racing heart and asked. "So... did your former customers ask for services...?"

"Yea, that counts as a wish by the way." Fukase winked. "I once served a boy who wished me two times to pound him, that was an easy job."

"Okay I think I have asked too much." Len blushed even more and dashed to bed, leaving Fukase laughing hard.

"Oi blue eyes, I want to sleep next to you."

"!!! Don't you even-"

Before Len could continue, the redhead already jumped to the bed and took the left side. "Relax, I won't f**k you unless that was your wish-"

"Please let me sleep."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2020 ⏰

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