19. Dumbledore's Proposition

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The Christmas dinner was delightful, all the kids who weren't in the Order were sent upstairs to sleep, except me. I stayed and was introduced to everyone again, my memory was blurry but once I was introduced to people some memories started coming back to me.

"Y-you're my mum aren't you?" I said confused, looking at the woman named Joyce. She had blonde hair and greenish blue eyes.

She nodded. "Well...not your real mum but yes, I am your mum."

I shot a confused look at Dumbledore and he told me he would tell me everything later. My mum was dead but I felt this motherly bond with this woman named Joyce.

"A-and you're Issac, my brother." I said, looking at the teenage boy with scruffy hair that was a mix of blonde and brown and blue eyes.

He nodded, tears in his eyes, he hugged me and I felt certain memories come back to me...certain memories of my childhood.

A man known as Sirius Black then came up to me, I could see similarities between us, was this man my dad?

After quickly being introduced to everyone, Dumbledore escorted me to a private room, where he said he would tell me more. I knew he wanted to let me memories come back to me naturally but I needed to be filled in, otherwise I would be confused.

"What are you going to tell me sir?" I asked.

"I want to tell you all that you need to know, and then offer you a proposition." Dumbledore said.

I looked at him. "What kind of proposition sir?"

"I will tell you later, firstly, what do you think of the people I introduced you to in that room?" asked Dumbledore.

I shrugged. "They all seemed nice, some of them were my family right? And I thought my mum was dead..."

Dumbledore shook his head. "What happened, was when you were young, your biological parents were struggling to look after you so they let their close friends take of you, Steven and Joyce. You grew up around them and before you found out, you thought they were your actual parents. Your real parents are Marissa, and Sirius."

My mind flashed back to the long-haired man in the room, so he was my father.

I nodded, the words I wanted to say weren't leaving my mouth,

"Now Y/N, I'm about to tell you about Voldemort and his plans, and then I will tell you of my offer."

I nodded at the older man, anxious to what he was going to say.

"This will be difficult but it would be a great aid to the Order if you would become a spy into Voldemort's ranks for us. You are his secret weapon, you cannot be killed by him and he believes you and him together could be rulers of the Wizarding world, grandfather and grandson, together. He wants to initiate you as a Death Eater as soon as possible and I have a feeling he will be setting you a task..."

I was speechless. I was his secret weapon...and what Dumbledore wanted me to do was to be a double agent essentially.

"Won't that be dangerous sir?" I asked, looking into Dumbledore's eyes.

Dumbledore nodded gravely. "It will be dangerous but if you accept, you will be giving us information that will hopefully help up win the Wizarding War."

I felt like I had no choice, I felt like I was trapped.

"What about my identity?"

"You will remain as F/N Malfoy, I have much faith that everything will work out and you can begin being a spy for us soon."

I nodded, everything was going to fast, I had just found out my identity and now Dumbledore was forcing me into a dangerous task. I didn't want to tell Dumbledore that I wanted to tell all my friends that I was Y/N because I had a feeling he would manage to persuade me to keep my identity secret.

"What will being a Death Eater mean?" I asked curiously.

"You will have the Dark Mark burnt onto your skin and I will have no doubt that Voldemort will ensure you get the best possible training in the Dark Arts. You may have to do sinister things you would never see yourself doing but believe me, it will all be for the best."

"What was the task you said he was going to assign me?"

The old man looked at me, and he merely shrugged. "I think it's time for you to return to your friends, I know they will be awaiting you. Especially Miss Granger..."

I blushed slightly, thanked the Professor before leaving, walking up the stairs to where all the others were. In the room were the Weasley children, Issac, Hermione and Harry.

Issac looked at me happily, he couldn't reveal my identity but I knew he was dying to treat me like his brother, his supposedly deceased little brother.

"I'm F/N, I don't think we've properly been introduced yet." a smirk forming on the corner of my lips. I could tell that Issac was trying not to laugh and he was successful, he smiled and introduced himself. "Issac L/N"

"Oh yeah, you're a Gryffindor chaser aren't you?"

Issac nodded and everyone watched us confused, people knew Issac was a nice, respectable guy but everyone probably thought he would've hated me since apparently I was the reason Fred, George and Harry got permanently banned from Quidditch.

That evening, everyone was chatting merrily, playing games of Exploding Snap and all previous grudges were forgotten. I exchanged presents with Harry and Hermione that evening. What saddened us what Dumbledore saying that we were due to return to Hogwarts soon and would be forced to learn under Umbridge again. The only thing that made everyone excited was the DA.

I soon found that me and Hermione were alone, we hadn't really spoken since our kiss and I didn't know what to do. I really liked her and if she knew I was Y/N she would like me back and everything could return to the way it was before. When everything was fine...

"Hey 'Mione."

She lifted her head up, glancing up from her book. "Hey F/N..."

I could hear uncertainty and doubts in her voice. "So you know how you owe me a date? How about we go together the next Hogsmeade?"

Hermione looked flustered, she was speechless and I merely just carried on looking at her, I couldn't read her eyes so I was not sure what to expect.

"Um...F/N...I think you're great and everything...but I already made plans with Harry and Ron."

I nodded sadly and looked down, my blonde hair covering my eyes, luckily due to my hair when I looked at her, she couldn't see the pain in my eyes. There was so much I wanted to tell her, I wanted to tell her that I was her dead boyfriend, I was Y/N and I wanted to be with her. What really sucked was that if I wanted to be with her, I would have to be with her as a Malfoy since Dumbledore told me that it was crucial that no one except from members in the Order knew my true identity.

I sighed, everything was getting too real now. I would have to continue my act as a Malfoy for Dumbledore, for the Order and for the safety of the Wizarding World. I quickly left the room in which Hermione was in and crept into the room where I would be sleeping. I laid down in my bed and stared up, so many thoughts were invading my mind. The fact that I was Voldemort's secret weapon, his apprentice and his heir sickened me. I knew that I was in for a long road, a road paved with suffering, pain and violence. But it was fine, I was helping Dumbledore, I was going to help everyone. I would be able to keep everyone safe and protected.

But for me, was it really worth it? Would everything work out in the end? There were so many complications, as well as that, how were people going to judge me? Was I going to just become the stereotypical Malfoy? All the friendships I made this year...was I going to lose it all? Would I be able to be with Hermione again?

I redirected my gaze to where the other boys were sleeping, Ron was snoring and Harry looked...disturbed. Probably another nightmare. How much longer was I going to have to hide my identity from them?

I stared up at the ceiling and sighed, everything was going to change. I was going to have to become one of Voldemort's army. I was going to be one of his Death Eaters.

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