20. Sirius' Story

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Sirius Black. A supposed mass murderer due to the fact that one his best friends from Hogwarts became a coward and sold out James and Lily Potter. He was not a mass murderer, he was a loving father and a kind soul. When Y/N had supposedly 'died', Sirius found himself visiting his son's grave almost everyday. It was true that he was on house lockdown and was not allowed to leave but that didn't stop him from visiting the grave of his deceased son.

One day when Sirius was visiting, he was in his Animagus form. There were not usually many people where Y/N was buried, so if it was safe, he would be allowed to transform into his human form. Using his wand, Sirius would replace the flowers on Y/N's grave with fresh ones each visit, and then he would sit there, reminiscing on all his old times, when he was in Hogwarts. It pained him that he missed so much of Y/N's childhood, Sirius knew that his son was in good hands, he trusted Steven and Joyce, but it hurt him that he missed so much, that even Y/N didn't know that he was his true father until his third year at Hogwarts. Sirius wished that everything was different, that he could've grown up with his son...him and Marissa...together...

Flashback to Marauders' Era
Sirius' POV

"Padfoot!" I heard a voice behind me say, I turned and saw my four best friends approach me. James, Steven, Remus and Peter.

"What's up guys." I said, a grin on my face.

"We heard that Snivellus is going to be by the lake." James said mischievously.

"Yeah we saw him with his greasy nose stuck in a book." Steven laughed.

"Shall we pay him a visit then?" I said, in response the boys nodded. Remus seemed quite skeptical and Peter was just in the background, tagging along. The five of us, the Marauders, made our way to the Black Lake and as predicted, Snape was there, his back against a tree reading a book.

"Oi Snivellus!" I shouted, throwing a nearby stick at his head.

Snape's head jerked up and he looked at all of us, an annoyed but slightly scared expression on his face.

"What do you want."

Steven shrugged. "Just thought we would pay you a visit."

"We wanted to visit our favourite Slytherin." James added with a smirk.

"I'm not in the mood for any of your stupid games." Snape said seriously, before focusing back on his book.

"C'mon Snivellus don't be such a bore, we just want to have fun." I said.

Snape ignored us and I cast a look towards Steven and James who both has a mischievous glint in their eyes.

I saw James cast a spell and suddenly, Snape's book flew out his hand. That was the last straw for him, he got up on his feet angrily and drew his wand.

"Expelliarmus!" Steven said, catching Snape's wand.

"A bit defenceless aren't you now Snivellus?" I said with a laugh.

Snape glared at James. "You're pathetic, you know that right? You're too scared to pick a fight unless you have your stupid gang with you."

James snickered. "Oh Snivellus, I could easily beat you one on one."

And with that, James recited his favourite spell to use on Snape, 'Levicorpus' and Snape was suddenly dangling upside down, causing the five of us to burst out in laughter. We were there for a good five minutes before we heard a female voice behind us.

"What do you think you're doing to him?"

Our heads quickly turned to see who was behind us and Snape suddenly fell face first onto the ground and James suddenly lost control on his spell as he saw none other than Lily Evans. Along with her was Joyce Travers and Marissa King, the three most sought after girls in our fifth year. I eyed Marissa up and down and winked at her. There was something about her, her mysterious parentage that was never mentioned made her so attractive to me, as well as that, she was one of the smartest in our year. James was head over heels for Lily and would constantly ask her out, and she would repeatedly decline. There were rumours that Lily and Steven were dating for a brief amount of time but Steven would always deny those rumours, he knew James had his eye on Lily and didn't want to get in his way. Plus, he had eyes for Joyce, even though he denied it, it was very obvious.

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