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"Ok, Shouyo, you can do this!" I said to myself looking in the mirror in my room trying to hype myself up. "You are in high school now and that mean high school volleyball!" Expect its the girls team because I am a girl!

No offense to the girls but their team isnt the best- I don't mean the in a bad way! I just much rather be on the boys team so I can be the next Tiny Giant! Well, I mean, I could be the nexts Tiny Giant as a girl because girls can be badasses too! But also the boys volleyball team's uniform looks better, like black, white and orange are 100% my color- its matches my hair. Also i dont really like the girls volleyball uniforms- im self conscious.

Speaking of hair, before school started I has long curly hair but it was so difficult to have when playing so I cut it all off! And now I look like a boy and it doesn't really help I got an underdeveloped body and also I workout a lot, I'm not exactly feminine looking... if it wasn't for my girl's uniform everyone would think I'm a boy. Well, i dont think i would care if someone used he or they on me though.

Speaking of school uniform, I dont have mine yet!

I finish getting dressed, some kinda baggy jeans and sweatshirt, I was supposed to get my uniform yesterday but their was a student that lefted so they had to get their stuff transferred over to their new school.

"Bye mom!" I yell running past her on the way out the door, "Sho, your bag!" She called out to me, I ran back to grab it, "thanks mom!" She kisses my cheek as a good luck, I wip it away and smile.

I continue my running out the door but I gotta change my shoes- after that I get on my bike and begin way to my new high school. When students in uniforms become more prominent, that's when I know, I'm close.

I park my bike and chain it up, I noticed some students staring at me, "ignore them shouyo, just find the office." I thought to myself, in my not paying attention state, I ran into someone.

It was guy with silver hair, "are you ok?" He asked me, he seems like a 3rd year. "Yes, I am fine. I wasnt playing attention, sorry." I bow to him.

"Its fine, you look like you need the office. Follow me.." he says asking for my name, "Hinata, Shouyo." I finish, he smiles and starts walking with me following. "I'm Sugawara, mostly everyone sees me as the school mom even tho I probably could beat their asses."

I laugh but he seems dead serious, "are you joining any clubs?" Sugawara ask me, I smile brightly and answer with full confidence, "volleyball." My answer brought a smile to his face, "that's great, I know the manager so I can help you with that."

"Really? Wow, um thank you!"

We stop in front of the office, "here we are, cya Hinata." Sugawara grins and waves to me before walking off, I return the wave before heading inside. The front desk lady looks up at me when I close the sliding door. "Hello, how may I help you?"

That confidence I had with Suga was now gone, "my name is Hinata, Shouyo, I'm new..." I say nervously, she gestures me to the back office. She hands me a bag and points to a door, "the bathroom is the first door, just change and I will get your paperwork ready. Just something yiu need to sign saying you got your uniform."

I nod and head to the bathroom, I lock the door behind me and open the bag, inside was... the boys uniform also in the bag was a paper.

NAME: Shouyo Hinata YEAR: 1st
SEX: Male

The paper continues on with other personal information but my sex stood out, male. The school thinks I'm a guy, this is.... amazing! If the school thinks I'm a guy then I can join the boy volleyball team!

I got changed, I leave my sweatshirt on under my school blazer, I look like a guy. I stuff my other clothes into my school bag and walk out the bathroom, I fix my bag and walk over to the lady. She smiles and hands me a paper, "here you go, sir. Just sign there." I did as she said.

"Alright, thank you." She said and I exit the office and head to my class, she thought I was a guy. Holy shit, this might work. "Wait how do i explain this to my mom!" I thought to myself, i didnt see where i was going and ran into someone, again. "Oh sorry!"

The guy turned around, much taller than me, dark hair, stupid hair line. He goared down at me "watch where you're going." He hissed at me before shoving past me. A girl with blond hair and blushing a ton ran up to us. "Kageyama, you can't do that it rude!"

She sighs and turns to me "im so sorry about him, he is kinda rude to stangers.. and his friends. You look new?" I nodded and smile brightly. "Im Hinata."

"Call me Yachi! So Hinata are you interested in joining any clubs?"

"Ah yeah. Volleyball." I said, i debated adding guys or something infront of it but didnt. Yachi looked happy "really!? Im one of the mangers of the guys volleyball team."

"You must be the one that Sugawara told me about!"

"Oh he's one of our setters, kageyama is our main." She shook her head "oh, doubt it tho. He must be talking about the 3rd year manager, shes so pretty." Her face got kore pink. "Do you like her?"

Yachi got completely flustered "what?! Like her!? I- ah ummm maybe. Tiny.. small.. huge crush."

"Oh that's cool." I smile, she relaxed a little bit "when does the team meet?"

"Oh! Yeah, after school. We can meet up here and i can bring you over if you like!" Yachi offers me, my face lights up. "Yeah, that would amazing!"

"Great! We best be getting to class now, cya Hinata!" She gave me a cheerful smile and I returned it, the tall bad hair line guy aka Kageyama, just gave me a strange look. I smiled slightly at him and he just looked at me in disgust and turned away. Dickhead.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2021 ⏰

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