C H A P T E R 1

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C H A P T E R 1

Ashton's POV

I've been going to this school for 2 years and nothing interesting has happened. Just populars being populars. Which I really don't pay much attention to anyway. Jocks being jocks. Usually dating the populars. The gay and the lesbians. Which im one of them. And Luke Hemmings. Honestly, I don;t know what he would fall into. He's not popular, he is not a Jock, and I have no idea is he is gay or not. All I know is that he is in my grade, completely hot, and would never go for an outcast like me.

I'm openly gay to the school. Not that anyone would care. Well, except my friend Calum. He's kinda gay too. But we would never date. Calum is basically my brother. We have been friends since... well... forever.

"No Ashton! We listened to Pon De Replay like 5 times today! I get that you like that song but it gets annoying!" Calum yelled at me. I love Pon De Replay. Its one of my favorites. Right now we are sitting in 1st hour. We usually get here about 10 minutes early.

"Oh pllleaaasseeeee Calum?" I pulled off my best 'do this for me' pout that Calum knows too well.

"Fine! Only cause we're friends." He clicks play on his phone and the music soon plays. The teacher is always in meetings this early so we get the class to our selves. Its usually very quiet, well when we're not blasting music.

"COME MR. DJ, SONG PON DE REPLAY!!!" I sang, as loud as I can. Not really caring how loud or bad I sounded. I have a good singing voice, or what Calum tells me anyway. I honestly don't want to sing when I get older. I want to play the drums and be in a band. So, they can sing for me.

"COME MR. DJ WONT YOU TURN THE MUSIC UP?!" Calum turns the music down. "CO- hey.. Why did you turn it down? I was jammin!" I look at Calum as he faces the door. I turn towards what he is looking at and can basically feel the redness on my cheeks. There standing at the door was the one and only, Luke Hemmings. He wore his Nirvana shirt and black skinny jeans. He was staring at Calum and I with a wide grin.

"Oh, geez! Calum! Why didn't you tell me he was standing there?" I yell/whisper at Calum and smacked his arm.

"Not my fault you sing louder than a horn." I look over at Luke and he is now sitting in his seat texting. I wish he was texting me. I wish I had his number. I wish I talked to him. I wish I was him. Wow, I sound desperate. I guess you can say I am. "You're staring.." Calum whispers in my ear.

"Whhaaattt? No I'm not!" I take one more glance at Luke and look at Calum. "What? I can't help it that he is cute. He's got me wrapped around his finger" I sigh.

The teacher soon walks in, followed by some of the classmates. Signaling that class is starting soon. Michael come over and sits next to Calum and Tony sits next to me.

"Hey man! How's it going?" I hear the strong Accent next to me. I can instantly tell that it is Tony. Tony and I only met this year and we like instantly bonded. He has amazing black hair and pretty green eyes. Honestly, if we weren't 'almost brothers' I would totally go for him.

"Ehh. The usually. " That's my go to answer when I don't want to talk. The bell rings signaling that class has started and everyone goes to take their seats. The teachers goes up to the board and starts writing, meaning we have to take notes. I lay my head down and not pay attention for the rest of class. I feel someone poking my back and I lift up my head and turn towards it.

"Dude, wake up. The bell is about to ring." I look at the time and see we have about a minuet left. Thank god. I stand up and go towards everyone else, waiting by the door. I look over at Luke and he has his head down. Maybe I should wake him up. I slowly walk towards him, just as the bell is ringing. He bults up and runs right into me.

"Oh.. Gosh.. I..Im.. sorry...I" I stutter out. He gives me a confused glance and starts walking towards to door. I sigh and bend down to pick up the stuff I dropped when he bumped into me. Someone goes down next to me and helps me pick my stuff up. I look up and smile at Michael. "Thanks man." I stand up and walk towards the door. I head to my locker and get my stuff for next hour. I slam it shut and make my way for 2nd hour.


Okay! First chapter is done! That was exactly 850 words. I'll try to keep it in that range to make it long. But yeah, tell me how you thought it was. Well, obvisoully its the first chapter, so its going to be kinda boring, but I'll try to make it better! Thanks for reading and if I made any mistakes, just point them out in the comments and I'll try to fix them when I have time! Keep negative comments away. I don't need them nor will I read them! THANKS GUYS! I LOVE YOU!

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