Rachet:...ok i know that everyone here is gonna say no, so ill just give the reason Y... Yes i could see a realtionship but i think of this ship kinda like a bromance tho they both act like gurlz...i must say this ship can go both wayz in my opinion...
Everyone nods
Starscream: first off...i have to agree..an secound...I DONT ACT LIKE A GURL!!!
Me: Screamer look at your shoes... u wear heels 24/7, 365, ->-...
Knockout: i have to admit, i kinda look like a gurl with all my curves o>o...
Everyone: O-O
Me: Knocky~ look what i found * puts pick on the screen*
Knockout: nonononononono
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Everyone: O///O or O_O
Me: *smirks*
Knockout: *walks out the room with face in hands* ughhh -///-