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 I'm a new soul, I came to this strange world

Hoping I could learn a bit 'bout how to give and take

Michael's pov (twelve years old)

I sat in my room and smiled as I pet my dog Southy. He was great and I loved him so much! I leaned my head back against the pillow breathing deeply. The world was calm for right now. Sometimes it felt like the world was an amazingly messed up arena, and I was the one performing.

I know #sodeep. Ew, let's never do that again. All of a sudden I heard a loud snarl coming from outside and then the house shook as something hit it. I dove under the bed cowering.

One thing I forgot to mention? I belonged to a family of hunters. Ironically, we were like a pack in the way we were assorted ourselves. There were ranks and such. I lived in the house along with about forty or more people. We lived in a huge house and were a notorious group of hunters. My parents Karen and Daryl meant business. Our job was to stop all these evil creatures. Except for me. I got to play Minecraft all day. 

I cowered under my bed as Southy barked furiously. He believed he was bigger then he was.

"Hey! Southy buddy! Come on! We gotta hide!"

He continued to bark until he slid under the bed with me. The house shook again. What was hitting it? My parents always said they didn't want me to learn how to hunt until I was older. Young hunters in our group, tended to grow up...a bit secluded and dangerous. They were loose cannons, and they lived in a completely different part of the house.

Right now we could really use them. I bolted from under the bed and opened my door and was met with chaos. Werewolves teemed the hallways. Werewolves were our toughest enemies my parents would say. The hunters were getting their guns and arrows, and an assortment of other objects.

I knew where the young hunters were (ages around 13-16). I had to free them or we'd be crushed. I snuck around the house trying to hide from all the chaos. I knew if my parents saw me they would destroy me. I ran down the stairs and gazed around as our large dining room was teemed with werewolves. One crashed into me and I screamed. One of the hunters ripped the werewolf off to me.

"Michael! What are you doing! Go back to the room and bolt it at once!"

Before he could grab me I ran away. We were freaking losing! If the werewolves took over, then this was it!

I gasped as I saw the basement and crawled down quietly. This was the vault we kept them in. The child hunters. They were fed, and kept moderately occupied, but had to remain away from anyone, with only the company of one another. They were ruthless. I opened the door and they stared at me.

"Michael," one said, he looked about thirteen and there was ten of them. All of them had been tainted by their blood lust. Most child hunters came to be due to the ignorance of their parents taking them out on hunting trips, them sneaking out, etc. You weren't allowed to properly hunt until you were eighteen.

"Guys! We are being attacked by werewolves! I do not care if you guys are bad! Go out there and help!"

They all dashed out of the vault nearly crushing me and picked up loose arrows and guns and began attacking wildly.

The other hunters then started freaking out trying to contain them. I heard some of the other hunters yell or scream at me, but I ran outside trying to find my family. I gasped as I saw the sight before me. My father was pinned to the ground being scratched and mauled by a werewolf. I couldn't let him die!

There was bows and arrow on the ground, a silver arrow which was harder to shoot...but It couldn't be so bad? I didn't plan to kill the werewolf. I wanted to simply harm him...draw him away from my dad!

I slowly picked it up my hands shaky and struggled with the bow and arrow in my hand. I pulled back the bow and the arrow zoomed completely missing my dad. I kept trying but the bow fumbled in my hands, I was sweating so so much! My mom was no where to be found and I could see the life draining from my dad. I took a deep breath and concentrated. I had to try something. I picked up another arrow that had been left because of the fighting and adjusted my stance as my fingers grazed across the bow. I secured the arrow.

I aimed it at the werewolf and it struck him in the head and he fell to the ground. I hope I didn't kill him! No! This wasn't the way things were supposed to go! All of a sudden everyone around us stopped. The werewolves howled in agony as many of them retreated and some screeched and seemed to roar. 

My dad slowly looked at me and saw the bow and gasped.

"Michael...what have you done?"


THE PROLOGUE IS NOW DONE! I really hope you guys enjoy this story! I've worked very very hard on it and I hope its everything you guys wish it to be! It feels good to be back and writing again! Thank you!


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