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*~{ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕦𝕖 - 𝔸 𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕣𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕗}~*


[̲̅K]eith had to prove himself worthy to the Galra apparently, accidentally almost losing your life to save a enemy is looked down upon. Which Keith understood, but it wasn't his fault he was just trying not to die and he accidentally saved someone and let them run away to a safe place, but you know, totally an accident. Thats what he told Sendak to save his ass from a harsh death. Keith was getting good at lying after learning it from so many different planets, right before they were destroyed at least.

The true reason, of course, is that he didn't feel comfortable with doing as the Galra said, he liked doing his own things. Plus, when he saved that little girl, he felt happy about it, which was extremely rare for Keith because he almost never showed emotion. Keith was losing himself because he didn't know where to fit, he could stay with the Galra who always make fun of him yet he'd be safe from any purple, furry Galra attacking him for being a traitor, or he could leave them and live his own life but, be fighting the Galra his whole life. Keith didn't know what to chose so for now he stayed with what was already put out for him.

Sendak assigned Keith a mission, which was a little difficult and only a good spy who could sneak around would accomplish it. Keith has always been the best spy on the Galra and he knew how to sneak so, Sendak knew that this would be the perfect mission for him to prove himself worthy. The mission was simple, sneak in the castle of lions and steal their energy crystal, easy right? Well the missions difficulty was going to all be revealed soon, plus Keith was told that no one was in the castle at the moment so it was the perfect time to strike. Keith would admit, it sounded a little hard to believe when he was told no one was at the castle, but he had to just go with it if he didn't want his head chopped off, or worse.

Keith had fulfilled his plan out perfectly without disruptions from anyone and made his way to the source of their energy, the energy crystal. The spy had looked around the castle to awe, he's never seen the actual inside of the castle and it looked just beautiful but, he had to focus on the mission. Keith set up his gear to destroy the crystal and was about to start it up when the door behind him opened and a yawn followed it.


Lance had woken up like any day; sleep with face mask on so when he wakes up his face is nice and gorgeous, sleep in because he needs his beauty sleep, wake up and check out the castle before entering the main deck and looking at some more features the castle had. This time the last part was a bit different because the second he opened the door and adjusted his eyes, he saw a fluffy Galra hanging out by his energy crystal with like a million gears. Lance was going through a lot of emotions during this time: anger, fear, confusion, and for some reason he was a little happy to finally see a face other than his. He had been alone in this castle, stuck with only four adorable mice, so it was nice to see a a different person—Galra thing here, even if it was his supposed enemy.

The first thing Lance thought of doing was scream, and that's what he did, which definitely picked up the Galras ear, reassuring the purple creature that he was not seeing things. Keith dropped his stuff and in a flash, was pinning Lance against the door he just exited from. Lance froze up, he has never been in this situation and didn't know what to do or who to call for help.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?!" The Galra spy spoke in a yelling voice yet it didn't seem hostile for some reason which confused Lance even more. The Galra's voice was kinda high and yet kind of calming, or would be calming if it wasn't for the situation. Lance gave the other one a confused glance before speaking up, "Uhh this is my castle...I should be asking you the exact same questions!" Lance spat out confused which made the Galra almost equally as confused. "What? Your castle??" The Galra questioned and Lance shot him a another confused look and push the said Galra off of him gently and not hostile, like he maybe should be.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2020 ⏰

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