7. Home and Story Time

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Home and Story Time



"Harry!" my mum exclaimed, pulling me into a tight embrace, swaying us back and forth. "So glad you're here! Niall! Get over here."

Niall smiled and walked into her arms, hugging her just as tightly as I had. Maura came walking towards the door, creeping up behind my mum before poking her side.

"Maura!" I shouted with a grin before pulling her into my arms.

I released her quickly, giving Niall a chance to hug his mum. Aunt Edith made her way into the house, grumbling under her breath.

"I'm so happy that everyone is so glad to see me," she said, huffing as she dropped her purse onto the ground.

"I saw you just two weeks ago, Edith," Mum chuckled, shaking her head in what I assumed was half disbelief, half amusement. "So, you lot got here just in time for Christmas, did you? How was yesterday? And the day before?"

"Something else," I responded, laughing and pulling Niall into my side as I closed the door.

"You must've lounged around your apartment, right?" she asked, quirking an individual eyebrow. "That must've been such a bore."

Niall snorted. "Oh, no. We didn't lounge around the apartment, Anne."

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, but not before we were greeted bye a loud chorus of cheers from the family, who were spread all around the house. We heard plenty of hellos and Merry Christmases and were enveloped into countless hugs, but it was definitely more than nice.

"Then what did you do?" Mum asked, fighting to keep our attention on her rather than the family.

"Um," I started, gnawing onto my lower lip to fight back a grin. "Quite a lot of stuff. A perfect story to tell on Christmas, yeah? Don't worry, Mum. Everything is fine."

"Except for my stomach," Niall pouted, and I pecked his lips to wipe it away.

My mum's and Maura's eyes widened, the two of them nodding their heads in approval while they fought back obvious smiles.

"So something finally happened there, eh?"

"Something," Niall laughed, patting my cheek.


"I got you this post card," I informed Niall on Christmas Eve night, rolling my lips into my mouth. "I- I didn't get to buy you a gift, you know that. But I picked that up at the airport because it was just... Like, yeah."

His blue eyes lit up, twinkling as he beamed at me, taking the post card into his hands. He studied the picture, his smile becoming wider with each passing second. He flipped it over, eyes scanning across my handwriting.

"Dear Niall," Niall began to read aloud. "This card thing seemed like the perfect idea at the time, as it just purely represents our crazy time together the past two days. I love you. Harry. Ex, ex."

He pulled a pen out from behind his back, one with a clear plastic base, a picture of New York City similar to mine placed inside of it. It was filled with water, little pieces of fake snow drifting around. I laughed and kissed his temple.

"Thank you," I said. "It's wonderful."

"Thank you as well," Niall smirked.

The family members that were paying attention to us were chuckling or cooing.

"We can buy new presents tomorrow," we both said in unison, laughing afterwards.

I felt pure admiration as I looked at Niall in, taking in all of his features and breathing in his aura. I could sit with him all day long, no talking, no anything- just being in his presence would always be more than enough.

"So," my mum spoke up, raising her hand a bit. "Story time."

I opened my mouth to speak, but Aunt Edith shushed me, placing her finger over my lips, and took over for me. She adjusted her hat (that ugly, ugly hat) and cleared her throat.

"This is the story of Blondie, Hippie, and myself all getting stuck in New York City for almost two days," she announced, smiling at us. "But before I begin, you should know that this was all their fault."


Well, there we have it. Chills has officially been completed.

The ending was a bit rushed, but it's over now and you may or may not have liked it. Hm, hm.

Merry Christmas once again to everyone! Hopefully, you are all enjoying your day. And to those who don't celebrate Christmas- happy holidays in general. x

I hope you somewhat enjoyed this. Thank you all for reading, voting, or commenting. It means a lot to me.

Thank you, and that's all folks!

Cute as a button, every single one of you!
Maegan x

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