Final Goodbye

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Her mind was still not at rest, she had barely slept after their soiree at Nyama Mama for her mind was not at rest. He was seeing her, after all that talk about coming to terms with Wandiá s loss, he was a liar but could she blame him really? James Musyoki was the one who was hurting most and she knew she had no right to point an accusing finger at him. So what was she meant to do? Play along to his farce and lie that she could see Wandia? How was she even going to tell the others? The answer was simple, this was going to be their little secret. Kendi owed him that much and she was going to make sure that she protected his secret, he deserved that much. She turned in bed and covered herself with the duvet, there was no way she was going to make it to work on time. Kendi quickly drafted a message and sent it to her boss claiming that she was sick and was going to hospital. It was not a lie per se for she was going to see her psychiatrist so that they could talk over a few things. She needed to know if it was okay for Musyoki to have an escape like that, honestly she was worried about him. He had a prior mental condition and she was worried that he was going off the edge this time, if only she had not had that much to drink at Joyce's wedding then this wouldn't be an issue.

She still could not forgive herself for what she thought she had done. Kendi still held on to that guilt and no matter what anyone said, she had to pay for her sins. Her friend was dead and here she was breathing and enjoying life and going back on every word she had promised, but could she really be blamed for drinking if she was helping out a friend? It is not like she was drinking for fun, she had drunk only because Musyoki had raised his glass to Kendi and she had felt like if she did not toast with him then she was going to burst his bubble. She had drunk for a good cause, Wandia would surely forgive her, wouldn't she?

'But you felt good after drinking, did you not?' Wandia asked her as she lay on the bed and looked at her with blood dripping from her mouth.

"You are not real, you are not real, you are not real." Kendi repeated the words as if they were a mantra and closed her eyes. After about thirty seconds she opened her eyes and indeed Wandia was no more. How long was she going to endure this torment? Her doctor had told her to separate her fantasy from her reality but it was not such an easy thing to do. If she could do it, then she did not need to part with such a huge amount of money just to sit with the lady for two hours. Her phone rang and once she looked at the caller id, she decided not to answer. She was not in a good mood and she did not feel like entertaining anyone for she knew she was not the best company to be around. Ruth would have to forgive her, she needed to be okay first before she decided to add anyone to her space.

Macy Mwakio looked at him as he alighted the taxi and walked to the gate. He hesitated for a moment and turned back but something made him come back and knock the gate. She smiled as she watched him enter the compound warily, it was like he was there against his will and had been forced by something to show up. Well, whatever that something was she was grateful that he had finally decided to show his face at her place. James Musyoki looked suave in the red and blue kitenge blazer he had on and matching blue jeans and white sneakers. His blazer had been done up but she could see a black shirt underneath, he always knew how to dress well and that was one of the things she liked about him. It was like he felt her eyes on him for he looked up and their eyes met, she saw no need of pretending that she was not observing him for she was, so she stayed put and instead followed him until he entered the main house.

Macy took her time before she descended to the sitting room, she found him admiring a painting of a maasai woman who was carrying her child. She had taken the liberty of making herself look presentable and she knew she was stunning in the black sequin halter dress that reached her knees and she had tamed her afro by having her hair in a neat up do puff. Her feet adorned black strapless heels that aided in making her look taller and she was dismayed when he gave her a brief glance and went on admiring the painting. She was a work of art and she was disappointed that such a well-known artist could not even recognize the masterpiece that stood beside him. He was blind but that could be rectified.

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