1. i play a game called "destroy all humans"
2. demented af
3. my favorite movie atm is "alien"
4. i like things to do with space and aliens if u didn't notice
5. gender fluid
6. Johnen fan
7. not a big fan of politics
8. organ fetish maybe..
9. i play to many video games
10. me says a lot of dark humor jokes
11. discord user
12. depresso espresso but eh
13. i like spooders
14. dog whisperer
15. big in the jthm and IZ community
tag people: no
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rants on why life is miserable
Randomjust me ranting for some dammed reason fandoms are included in this if u hate and want to make me cri go fuck urself- I ain't got time for hate comments and am too depressed to deal with hate via I'm just too busy and will ignore ur puny attempts at...