9 ~ Matt

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"What are you making?"

I'd been concentrating so hard I hadn't heard Ben's approach, and his voice startled me so badly I dropped the two eggs I'd just taken from the carton. They hit the hard, polished wood of the kitchen floor and broke, whites and yolks splattering in a spangled pattern.

"Oh...shoot," I sighed. There were only two eggs left, and I'd been planning to eat them for breakfast. Now I'd have to use them for my recipe and find something else for my morning meal.

"Yikes—sorry," Ben laughed. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"Not your fault," I said over my shoulder, and bit my lip.

Part of my reaction stemmed from guilt, and I hastily covered the open book on the counter with a dishcloth before grabbing the paper towels and kneeling to clean up the mess.

Ben grabbed a damp rag and joined me to help. "Jeez, what's it say about a guy when seeing ghosts is a thrill, but his own husband makes him jump out of his skin?"

He was teasing, being playful, but it only reminded me of why I was sneaking around baking magick-infused cupcakes at seven in the morning.

Over the past two days, ever since I bought/stole the book from Chris and Jeremy's shop, I'd been tempted to do as two of my friends—one living and one dead—suggested and simply sit Ben down, confront him, and ask him for the truth.

How does he really feel?

Is he really happy here, with me?

Does he love who I'm becoming, or only who I used to be?

Every time I got close, though, I'd been too scared to risk it. I don't really believe he'd lie, but I also don't believe he'd tell the truth. Not the whole truth, anyway, and as much as it scares me, I know that I need to hear it.

And I only want to have to hear it once.

That's why I'm going ahead with my plan, which is to feed my husband a spell hidden in a cupcake, which will...encourage...him to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help him gods.

"Cupcakes?" Ben asked, having finished wiping up the remains of the unfortunate eggs and looking at the recipe book I have propped open on the counter. "Something new for the cafe?"

"Yep," I confirmed, jumping at the offered excuse. "Wouldn't they look cute with little paw-prints on them?"

"Adorable," Ben agreed, sliding his hands around my waist and pressing himself to my back. "Just like you."

"I need to finish this and get to work," I said, moving out of his reach and retrieving the last two eggs from the fridge.

Ben frowned but wasn't ready to give up quite yet. "Hey, why don't we take a few days off next week?" he asked, holding my elbow and making me turn towards him. "Get out of town for a bit. Relax. Have some fun. What do you say?" He grinned, but I felt only a sinking feeling in my gut.

"I don't think so, Ben," I said slowly. "I know you don't think what I do is real work, but I take it seriously, you know."

Also, we already have a vacation planned for the week after next, for our anniversary—a fact, it seems, he may have forgotten.

His eyes widened with surprise. "I know you do, sweeting," he insisted, brushing some flour from my cheek with his thumb. "I never said otherwise."

Not to me, no.

"Hey, let me finish this," I said, pushing him away. "You can be my taste tester," I added, and smiled.

"There's my lover," he laughed and kissed the bridge of my nose. "Can't wait."

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