Chapter 3

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I've been in Rimwater for about a week now and I start school tomorrow. Emma and I have become friends and I've settled in here. Karen didn't like that I live here now but she'll have to get over it since it's not her call.

I shower and put on jeans and a t-shirt before putting my bracelet and necklace on. I brush my teeth and comb my hair before going downstairs to find Emma and Karen arguing as Shawn sits with his face in his palm.

He must've given up.

"Why don't you drop the act?!" Emma yells. "You;re just a cunt unless Dad's around!"

"I'm trying to be a good stepmother. You can't keep smoking. It's bad for you." Karen says in and innocent way.

"It's pot! It's actually good for me." Emma argues.

"I'm going to work." With that Karen pushes past me and out the door.

"Hey Will." Emma sighs as she sits at the table.

"Morning." I smile.

"There's food on the counter." Shawn smiles slightly as he moves his hand away from his face. I nod and get a plate for breakfast. When I sit down I remember I need to get a stand for my guitar. Can't just leave it in the case all the time.

After eating I wash my plate and get my shoes on.

"Where you going?" Emma asks.

"I need to get a stand for my guitar." I answer.

"I'll come with." She gets up and gets her shoes on before we head out. " How did you just realize you need a stand for your guitar?"

"I don't know. I've kept it in the case since I got here." I shrug.

"So, where'd you get that necklace and bracelet? Seems like you never take them off."

"They were gifts. My parents got me the bracelet and my friend, Jake, gave me the necklace before I left." I smile.

"That's sweet." She comments.

"Can I ask you something personal?" She gives me a confused look. "You don't have to answer, I'm just curious."

"Sure. I guess." She hesitates.

"Where's your mom?" I ask. "Again. You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

"It's okay. She walked out on me and Dad when I was ten. I guess that fucked me up." She shrugs.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I don't need more people being sorry for me." She states.

"Okay. Then, I'm not sorry?" I say as more of a question. She smiles. "What's your opinion on drums?"

"I like them. Why?" She looks at me confused again.

"I'm thinking of buying some. I'll have to get a job or something first but still.' I shrug.

"How much is a good drum set?" She asks.

"I don't know. Couple hundred dollars or more. I think I have the money I would need but it's good to have a back up." I answer.

"Cool. We could clear out the attic to put it up there." She smiles.

"You sure?" I question.

"I mean we could always put it in my old treehouse but that place would probably collapse." She smiles.

"Where would the stuff in the attic go?" I ask.

"There's not much up there so if we can just move it around we could put some of it in the garage or something." She shrugs again.

"Okay then." I smile and nod as we go inside Leo's Music Shop.

"Hey guys, what can I do for you?" Leo asks with a smile.

"Got any guitar stands?" I question.

"Of course I do. Just over there." He points us in the right direction.

"Thanks." I say as I go over to the stands. I find one and decide to look at drum sets.

"Looking for a new drum kit?" Leo asks.

"More like my first one." I chuckle. "I don't know for sure if I'm gonna get one though."

"Well, if you do. I recommend this one. It's electric so you could make it play different kinds of sounds and you don't have to worry about waking the neighborhood if you play late." He shows us a kit that's set up in the corner of the store.

"How much is it?" I ask.

"I'll let you have it for $750 since nobody in this town buys instruments anymore." He answers.

"Really?" I question.

"Yup." He pops the P

"Holy shit, that's awesome. Thank you." I smile excitedly.

"It's no problem. Are you just gonna carry the boxes out of here?" He asks.

"I can get Dad's truck. He might still be home." Emma suggests.

"How many boxes?" I ask Leo.


"I'll get Dad's truck." Emma leaves before I can say anything and I turn back to Leo.

"Thank you so much."

"Don't mention it. Just make some music." He tells me.

"I will." We talk for a few minutes until Emma pulls in front of the store with Shawn's rusty, silver pick-up truck.

"Come on. Dad needs to get to work in a few minutes." She says.

"The set's in the back. Come on." Leo helps carry the boxes into the truck bed and I pay him for the stand and drums. Emma drives us back home and we get everything into the house before Shawn goes to work.

We go to the attic which is big enough that all we have to do is move some old boxes around and we still have plenty of space. We clean it up a bit before bringing the drums in and setting them up. We spend all day cleaning and setting it all up in the attic before putting my guitar on the new stand next to the drums.

"You know. We could make a band." I say as we stand in front of our set up.

"With just the two of us?" Emma gives me an amused look.

"It is possible. You play drums and I play guitar while one or both of us sing. Or we could find someone to sing for us." I explain.

"I doubt you'll find anyone remotely tolerable in this town."

"You're tolerable." I smile and go downstairs.

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