Chapter [8]

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Am bacc-

I'm so, so, so VERY sorry for disappearing, I had to handle online classes and such, and my laptop broke- And I can't write on my phone properly- Please forgive me. ;-;

Nevertheless, I am back, and I shall return to updating my works! :D

Also, thank you. Yes, you. For reading this story while I was gone. It hasn't got a lot of attention tbh, but that doesn't matter. I'm just beyond happy that you're reading this right now. Thank you, so much. I appreciate it! ^^

Anyways, here's another chapter for you all! And to compensate for my very long disappearance, I shall make this chapter long! :D

Have fun, and stay safe everybody! <3

Again, just a note,
The way the real life characters act in this story is not mostly true, such as how Amy acts in this part of the story-- May I remind you that Amy is a wonderful person and would never hurt anybody. :D

And angst up ahead-- Bring your tissues?--


~Mark's P.O.V.~

"I deeply apologize for this-... Interruption we're doing, (Y/B/N). I hope we didn't bother you." I smiled at him as me and Amy sat down on the couch opposite to his.

He glanced up at us as he was taking his trash off of the table. He waved off my statement and chuckled. "Nah, you didn't bother me. You're fine. Trust me." He replied with a bright smile. I chuckled softly in response and watched him as he made his way towards the trash bin.

"..So, you might be wondering why we're here, am I right?" I asked him as he put his trash inside the bin, before clapping his hands together. Amy proceeded to take out her phone and browse-.. Well, whatever that was on her phone.

I silently sighed.

She's been doing this more often now. And because of this, I'm starting to think that she's ignoring me, and that she's having less and less time to interact and communicate with me.. And it actually hurts..

Do I not matter to her?

Does she even love me as much as I love her..?

Did I do something wrong...?

Am I not good enough....?

Does she not love me anymo--

"..Mark?" A voice snapped me out of my saddening thoughts. I blinked and looked up. (Y/B/N) was already seated on the couch in front of me,— waiting for me to respond back. I looked to my side.

Amy was still there, phone in hand,— looking at me with slight concern. "Mark, are you alright..?" Amy asked me as she placed her free hand on my forearm. I sighed in relief and gave out a weak smile. "Yeah, I'm alright.. Maybe it's just the tiredness getting to me." I chuckled. (Y/B/N) slightly smiled at my reply.

It felt like he can see right through me..

I cleared my throat and interlaced my fingers together, before leaning forward on my knees. "So, uh.. The reason why we're here is that, me and Amy," I paused for a brief moment and looked at her. She looked back and smiled. Smiling back in response, I continued. "..We wanted to discuss a few things with you."

(Y/B/N) leaned back and laid an arm on the backrest of the couch. He smiled widely. "Of course!" He replied as he looked at his watch. "I still have plenty of time left, so... What is it about?" He added as he tilted his head to the side ever so slightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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