one | entrance exam

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Third Person POV.

As she was walking to the assigned waiting area, she spotted two other boys making small talk with each other. As she decided to sit a row behind them, one of the boys that had olive/brown hair faced her.

"Hey there! Are you also here to take the entrance exam?" He asked happily.

"Yeah, haha." She replied.

After the short encounter with the boy, she took out her earphones that are plugged into her phone then put her favorite playlist on shuffle to get some peace.

Not long after about 5 minutes, they were called in by the Examiner to enter the room. It turns out that they were the last batch of exam-takers so they were spaced out more.

The Examiner explained the rules and regulations and stated that they had 2 hours and 30 minutes to answer the exam. Considering that she had that much time, Kaori felt relaxed; surprisingly.

They were given their questionnaires and answer sheets, then they proceeded to answer the questions.

An hour later.

Since Kaori was pretty smart, she was answering it all confidently but took more time in some questions. She was scribbling solution-to-solution, and answer-to-answer.

The blonde boy that was with the person she talked to earlier, glanced at his right just to get surprised on how fast and intense the girl was answering.

She must really want to ace the exam, huh. He thought to himself.

Before he got caught 'cheating', he glanced back at his paper. 40 questions left.

The next question asked:

Simplify: 12x3 - 3(2x3 + 4x -1) - 5x + 7

What? This is intermediate algebra! It'll take forever to answer this! He sweat-dropped knowing that this was a little above is knowledge.

Alrighty, If I do this~

After 7 minutes.

Okay, I think I got it. He focused on his answer to see if there was something wrong with it.

Answer: 6x3 -17x + 10

After inspecting his own answer, he once again glanced at his right side. He noticed that the girl was now scribbling answers slowly and steadily.

He then went back to his own paper to answer the 39 questions remaining.

What he didn't know was, a blonde girl was glancing over him from time to time chuckling mentally because it took him about 7 minutes to answer a question that she could answer in less than a minute.

She only had 15 questions left to answer, but she noticed that the questions seem to be getting a bit harder.

Oh well. She said to herself. At least I'm a pretty fast and accurate test-taker. She added.

Both blondes then continue answering. Hmm. But there's someone else, right?

Oh yeah, Yamaguchi.

He was taking a longer time to answer but, he was pretty smart at the same time too. He noticed how his blonde friend kept looking at his right where the (what he would call) "Gender-bent" sat.

He was also beginning to have an interest for the female blonde. She was so much like his friend, Tsukki! Well, it kind of hurt when she answered him coldly but, he was used to it, anyways.

"An hour and 30 minutes left, exam-takers." The Examiner said in an almost yelling voice that made the three teenagers jump a little.

Alright, 15/39/41 questions left. They all said mentally.

After an hour and 15 rough minutes.

Ishikawa is done, Tsukki has 3 questions left, and the Yamaguchi has 5.

After finishing, she decided to take a quick nap and try listen to the woman's voice signaling the end of exam time.

While napping, the boys were working their butt's off with the last 3 and 5 questions they have to answer.

How did she finish this in less than 2 hours? Is she a Master Mind or something?

"Achoo!" A loud but fast noise filled the exam room.

"Bless you, Ishikawa-san." The Examiner said.

Eh?! That myth is true? Or was it just a coincidence? It is pretty chilly in here. Also, Tsukki's done as well. Phew, just the last question left. Yamaguchi said once again to himself.

A minute later.

Finally finished. I think there's only 14 minutes left.

"I noticed that all of you are already done. If you want to, you can pass your questionnaire's and answer sheets to me already. If you still want to double-check your answers or whatnot, you still have 12 minutes left."

"Okay" The three said in unison. (Ishikawa woke up already).

Soon after, Tsukishima stood up with his questionnaire and answer sheet in hand, then proceeded to hand the Examiner his papers.

A few seconds later, Ishikawa then went up to the woman and also handed her papers.

Lastly, Yamaguchi went last saying that exam time was over and they have to wait for the actual signal of the Examiner.

They waited patiently in their seats but they were lowkey getting bored. But before they could admit it, the booming voice of the woman said:

"Thank you for your time. You will get your results tomorrow afternoon at exactly 12:00. Please proceed to the front register to get your results. You may now leave the exam room."

They all stood up at the same time and slowly went out the door, heading to the exit which was fairly far.

Right as the three stepped out of the room, Yamaguchi tried starting a conversation so it would be less awkward.

"So, w-what's your name?" He asked the girl on his right.

"Ishikawa. Kaori, Ishikawa." She replied still looking straight ahead not even thinking about making eye-contact with the boy.

"Oh! Hey there, I'm Yamaguchi Tadashi!" He continued.

"Okay." Was all she said.

Geez. She really IS like Tsukki.

"Oy, Megane-kun, what's your name?" She suddenly asked the blonde boy with glasses (that's named Tsukishima) in a serious voice.

"Oh and by the way, I don't care if you call me Megane-kun or anything like that because we basically look the same." She added.

"Why do you want my name? Already like me?" The snarky blonde asked with a smirk on his face.

"First of all, we might be in the same class and I wanna know someone even though I already sorta kinda maybe know Yamaguchi-kun over here and second of all, if I liked you, then confessed, then we got together, it'll look incest. So, no." She stated with a 'genuine' smile on her face.

That left the slightly taller blonde, speechless. Then he heard slight chuckling and snickering, making him frown.

Not wanting to talk to the She-blonde, he just spat out the first thing that came to mind, directing it to the olive-haired/brunette boy.

"Urusai, Yamaguchi." Yeah. The first thing that came to his mind was that. 'Shut up.'.

"E-eh? G-gomen, Tsukki(?)." Yamaguchi responded in a very confused voice.

"Pfft. Why are you telling him to shut up? He didn't do anything wrong, Megane-kun." Ishikawa said feeling a bit guilty that she was probably the reason he got told that.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2021 ⏰

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