Chapter 1

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Quick authors note! Imma start when Akari is 6 years old! And imma do the school lay out from Australia cause every where confuses me. So school starts in January and ends in December with terms. But! Yes! Akari is alive! And if you see y/n, it's cause it's you and you not dead yet.

Also this is just to introduce the characters!

Akaris POV

"Eeiji! Im going to catch you!" I squealed as I chased after the boy with the light brown hair.

"Noooooo" He yelled, trying to run faster, but loosing any way.

I am one of the fastest in grade 1! My mum is teaching me how to be fast! And strong! Just like dad!

I tagged Eeiji as I sprinted the other way, Kimi Kirishima, Yui Hanato and Kiato Yumebame started darting in different directions. The play ground erupted with laughter and tiny squeals as we were all afraid to get caught.

"Ahh! Damn!" Kimi let out. Kimi Kirishima, She has beautiful pink hair, red eyes like my dad, and had fair skin ( I say this cause she ain't pink like Mina.)  her quirk was so cool! It was just like her dads! She can harden her body! Like a rock!

Yui was then closest to Kimi, but was soon caught. Yui Hanato, he is new around here! I haven't met his parents so I don't know much about them. But he has pretty raven hair! Blue eyes, and can be quite quiet. His quirk is sharp eyes. He can see a long way away!

And next was Kiato, also new he had bright orange hair! His quirk is so cool! He has wings! Made of wax and feathers! But he cheats in tag some times.

Then there's me. Akari Bakugou! I am 6 years old and my mum and dad are awesome super heroes! I was boring with out a quirk.

Flash backkkkk ( already? Wow)

"It appears your daughter is going to be quirkless."

Dad sucked a breath in, seemingly holding it there. My heart shattered... I couldn't become a hero. Or have a cool power like my mum....

"How do you know?" Mum spoke up, being genuinely curious.

"If you look at the x-ray here..." the doctor rambled as I looked up. Meeting my dads gaze.

He looked as if he was sorry for something he's done. Or something that's bound to happen. He looked back up, the worry never leaving his face.

Tears brimmed my eyes. Gosh this isn't fair...

The next day, every one found out, some kids called me a freak... others like Eeiji didn't care..

Flash back over

"Yui! Come one! It's home time!" Yui's parents called out as he started to run towards them.

"I'll see you later guys" he slightly smiled and jogged towards his parents. I looked around, the sun was going down pretty fast. I should probably get home before Mum worries about me,

"I'm going home too. I'll see you tomorrow!" I laughed as I heading towards the path that leads to my house. I waved to them one last time, as they continued playing.

I smiled as I walked home.

My eyes wondered the neighbourhood. It was pretty.

"Hey, there you are." I looked behind me.

"Oh hi dad!"

I ran up to him, as his lifted me up, placing me on his shoulders.

"What are you doing?" He asked as he walked towards our house.

"Just finished playing with my friends! " I exclaimed with a bright smile. I started putting my hands in his hair. It was really soft! It was like my hair but shorter.

"Ahh right. Ready to go home? " he asked quietly.

I nodded my head up and down. I can't wait to have dinner.
Every thing is so cool from up here! I can't wait to grow up! I'm gonna be a doctor! No a police officer! Maybe even a hero! Even with out a quirk! Imma be stronger then every one! Even mummy!

" some ones hyper. What are you thinking about you gremlin?"

I laughed.

"I'm not a gremlin!"

"Sure you are! Look at you! You're tiny~" dad teased as he smiled. Holding my legs as I huffed.

We walked home and dad put me down, we walked through the door to see mummy cooking some food.

"Hi mummy! What's for dinner!"
I took off my sparkly shoes. Mum said she had a pair when she was younger! But mine light up with rainbow lights! So I win.

"Just some beef stir fry" she smiled as dad gave her a quick peck.

"Ewwww. Mum! You're gonna get cooties!" I pointed. I love dad. But I don't want mum getting sick!

Dad just sighed as he ruffled my hair.  He said he was going to have a shower. So he left. Time to watch some shows!

I raced to the tv. It was some news when I first turned on and it was mummy showing off her cool quirk! Same with uncle Deku!

I wish I had a quirk. I get teased a little. But I can punch things! Yeah! I'm so cool.

I sat back and switched channels.

Time to watch lots banana in pyjama!

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