Chapter one

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Patrick's p.o.v

I watch Pete as he plays his bass on stage. He seems.... Less energetic. He's been this way since... he and Ashlee broke up.

His behavior is actually starting to worry me. He barely comes over to practice, he's drinking more, and he's become... Isolated.

As we wrap up the show, I notice Pete giving me a sad look. A look that broke my heart. His eyes were dead. They were no longer full of life as they normally are.

I give him a small, encouraging smile, but he just shakes his head, and smiles weakly. Poor Pete, I guess the break up was harder than we all thought.

As we walk backstage I notice Pete staring sullenly at me. "Hey Pete... How are you?" I ask softly. He just stares at the ground, "I'm fine."

I put my hand on his back, "Pete, you aren't okay. We're worried about you. IM worried about you." Pete just sighs and puts his head in his hands. "I know, it's just... I-I can't take it anymore."

I rub soothing circles into his back, "I know, breaking up with Ashlee is taking its toll, but you just have to let her go." Pete lets out a dry laugh, "this is not about Ashlee, Patrick. It's never been."

Confused, I frown, "what do you mean?" Pete just shakes his head, "it doesn't matter anymore. It'll be over soon."

It must be a family conflict, or a relationship problem. I think to myself, as I watch Joe and Andy talk about the next show.

I glance over at Pete and notice him frowning slightly. I poke his cheek, "hey, you okay buddy?" I ask softly. He just smiles and nods, as though he were the happiest guy in the world.

I could tell that smile was a fraud. It was a masquerade. A facade, so everyone would believe he was truly happy, when deep down he wasn't.

I knew that because, well I used to do that all the time also. Elisa decided that she didn't truly love me, so we divorced. I was truly, and honestly crushed. I only let her go because I wanted her to be happy.

I look back at Andy and Joe, and burst out laughing. Joe was sitting in Andy, grinning like a madman. "What did you do to poor Andy??!!" I ask, giggling.

Joe smirks, "I decided that I am the king of the bus!!" I roll my eyes, "Yeah yeah." Joe pouts, "but I am!!"

I just shake my head with a dumb smile plastered on my face, and stand up. "Anyone hungry?" I question my band mates.

Joe and Andy nod their heads vigorously, but Pete just shakes his. I frown, "Pete, aren't you hungry?" He just shakes his head some more.

I shrug it off, "okay. Joe, Andy do you guys want chips?" They nod, and continue whatever strange thing they were doing before.

I pad into the "kitchen" and dig around for chips. I finally found some, but it was only one large bag of those Hawaiian chips. Ew.

I go back to where Joe, Andy, and Pete are currently located, and throw the chips towards Joe and Andy.

They squeal happily, and start to chow down. Damn, I actually feel bad for those chips.

I look back at Pete and notice he's in the same position he was in before I got the idiots their chips. "Pete?" He looks up at me with a blank face, "yeah...?" I frown slightly, "are you okay? You haven't been yourself..."

Pete just grimaces, "yeah, I'm fine." Then, he just stands up and walks towards the bunks, and disappears.

'I'm fine.' I cringe, those words aren't true. It's quite obvious. I mean, for starters, I can't remember the last time Pete ate... Is he anorexic, or do I just not pay enough attention?

I turn the tv on and the news is playing. I end up watching something about a teen suicide.

Apparently, a young girl, around the age of 15 overdosed with pain killers, and was found dead in her bath tub. Also, her parents were arrested for abuse, because in her suicide note it said she was abused by them. Poor girl.

I think about Pete, oh god, I hope he doesn't try again. I would be devastated. Not just me, but andy, Joe, and the entire fandom!!

I get this sinking feeling in my chest just thinking about it, so I run to the bunks and see Pete laying there, with earbuds in.

I sigh in relief, thank heavens! I feel a wave of guilt wash over me. How could I not trust my best friend with his life?!?! I'm terrible!

I let the thoughts slide, I need to be strong, for Pete!

I go back out and see Joe, and Andy asleep on the floor. I chuckle and decide to go to sleep as well.

I wake up at two in the morning with the worst feeling. I feel fear, and dread. Like something terrible is to come.

I sit up and wipe some sweat off my brow. I get down from my bunk, and walk around a little, hoping to shake the feeling off, but if anything, it only gets stronger.

I get off the bus and walk around the lot. I walk and let the night air caress me. Normally I would love it, but tonight the air has an eerie feel to it. And instead of the soft caress I normally feel, it feels more like painless claws, pulling at my face.

I walk back to the bus with a pit in my stomach. Once I walk in, I know something is wrong. I don't know how, but I just knew something was off.

I ran to the bunks, and noticed Pete wasn't there. The first thought that ran through my mind was "check the bathroom" so I did.

I hate what I saw. I would have dropped on my knees sobbing, but I couldn't. It was horrible, I almost vomited. All I could do was let out loud, choking noises.

I hear Joe and Andy wake up. "Hey, Patrick, what's wrong?" Andy asks, worry filling his voice. I just let out more strangled noises.

I feel them walk up behind me. I feel them stop dead in their tracks. "Andy, call 911." I hear Andy walk off, dialing the number. Joe crouches down next to me, "Patrick, please don't panic!" He says, trying to calm me down.

I look back at Pete, and the tears finally come. He was just laying there, empty pill bottle in hand. But no, he just had to be thorough. He had deep cuts up and down, littering his arms. Blood was all over, mixed with his vomit.

Joe pulls me into a hug and rubs my back soothingly, "he'll be okay... He-He has to be!! Oh my god!!" Joe cries out to no one in particular.

Suddenly, Andy runs back in with paramedics. One of them actually vomit at the sight of Pete. I break down sobbing, my little Pete is gonna die!!!

The paramedics load him into the ambulance, and one walks to us. "Are any of you family?" We all shake our heads, "oh, well the. You'll have to meet us at the hospital."

I start shaking, "but... I-i need Pete....."
Andy gives me a hard smile, "let's go see him, okay?" I nod slowly. Andy wraps his arm around my shoulder and tells our driver to get to the hospital ASAP.

Once we get there, Andy has to drag my to the waiting room. He drags me to the receptionists desk and she looks up, "may I help you?" I nod, "p-Peter wentz..." She types the name into Her computer, "ah, he cannot be visited for a couple hours, but a doctor will be coming out with some updates in a bit."

We thank her and go sit down, "I feel terrible, Andy." I mumble. He nods, "I do too, but let's stay strong for him, okay?" I nod, "okay."

About two hours later a doctor comes out, "Hurly?" Andy looks up, "Y-yeah?" The doctor gives a small smile, "this is pretty... Big news, it's good your sitting down." I Grip Andy and joes hands. "Pete, well he was very thorough, and he may not make it tonight..."

Hey!!!!! So, do you guys like it? Do you guys want Andy and Joe to become a couple as well? Should I re-wrote this in Petes point of view? (Honestly I'd prefer not to, but if you all would like it... I will) should I even continue? Should I add more bands? Please tell me what you would like!! I'm pretty flexible!! Also so would appreciate it if you would vote!! And if you ever want to talk -cough cough HAILRU cough cough- please dm me!!! I love it when you read my stuff and tell me how you feel about it!!! So enjoy my story, and add it to your library cause I'm slow at updating :p love you guys!!!

Xoxo sanity👻

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