Chapter 2: The Morning After

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The first rays of the sun crept through the windows into the basement apartment that currently housed one Rocki Mahan and Jackson Fuller. The warmth and light caused Rocki to stir. Things were a bit hazy until she felt the warmth of the figure who held her in his arms. It took her a moment to remember that she was not in her bed but quickly remembered why and that she had fallen asleep at the home as well as in the arms of her boyfriend, Jackson Fuller. Rocki had never had a more restful night's sleep, nor had she ever felt as content as she did right now. That was until she felt the urge to relieve herself. Rocki tried her best to dislodge herself from Jackson's loving grasp but he was holding on to her as if his life depended on it. Resigning herself to her fate, Rocki placed a kiss on Jackson's "full" lips before whispering his name. 

"Jackson... Jackson!"

The oldest male Fuller began to stir but was not releasing his grasp on her. Rocki decided to expedite this further. Placing her right hand on the left side of his ribcage, Rocki began to tickle Jackson. The sudden jab of her fingertips had the desired effect of waking up Jackson, however, he did not release his grip and Rocki found herself rolling out of the bed with Jackson. The couple landed with a loud thud and Rocki was still on top of Jackson, however, the impact forced the wind out of the taller young man and he released his grip on Rocki.

"Sorry about that honey..." Rockisaid and give Jackson a quick kiss, "but I really have to go." Rocki stated.

As he was still incoherent Jackson was not sure what was going on. As he lay on the ground wondered if he had done something wrong. Sitting up Jackson tried to think if he had behaved himself. He was pretty sure that he treated Rocki with respect and had not done anything she didn't want. It was only after he had rubbed his eyes that he noted her clothes were still in a pile on the floor. Jackson padded over to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

"Just a minute Jackson," Rocki'svoice called out through the door.

Jackson took this time to take a look at his cell phone. When the screen powered up Jackson saw that it was only 6:30 in the morning. The couple had only slept for about five hours. While he was still tired Jackson couldn't help to think back to the feeling of Rocki Mahan's soft body in his arms. Rocki had drifted off to sleep before him and while he didn't do anything ungentlemanly, he quickly took note of the feeling of her body against his. He listened to the soft sound of her breathing. He relished the gentle inhale and exhale of her breathing as she rested on his chest and the steady rhythm of her heart. "Boy do I have it bad for her." Jackson sighed to himself.

The sound of flushing water brought Jackson out of his thoughts and watched as Rocki, still clad in his Aunt Stephanie's maroon nightshirt, came out of the bathroom and sat down next to him.

"Sorry about the rude awakening." Rocki apologized. She kissed his forehead to go with the apology.

"It's cool," Jackson said and patted the hand Rocki placed on his thigh. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to relieve myself as well."

Jackson stood and made his way to the bathroom that his girlfriend once occupied. He was only gone a short time but did not know what was awaiting him upon his return. Rocki could be getting dressed and planning to either move to the living room to make it appear like that was where she slept or she could just leave. He was hoping she would stay till the alarm went off but was preparing himself for disappointment. When he returned to the room Jackson found Rocki back under the covers of the bed they had shared. He couldn't help but think how beautiful she was and despite his rude awakening how nice it was to wake up to her in his arms.

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