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"Do you know that guy?", Doyoung asked glancing at the guy at the last desk and then settling in his seat beside Taeyong.

"Who?" Taeyong asked as he looked at Doyoung with confusion.

"The guy at the last desk, beside window."

"Huh OH" Taeyong realized who Doyoung was talking about."Yes it's Jaehyun. Why do you ask?

"Are you friends? I have never seen you talking with him in a whole week I have come."

"No, we aren't" Taeyong was even more confused why they were having this conversation about that guy.

"Oh! It's just I saw him looking more like staring at you when I entered." Doyoung said nonchalantly not knowing what he had just said.

Taeyong was in shock. He stopped himself from looking back at the boy. Nervousness could be seem in his face.

"What could he possibly want from me?" Taeyong thought and spoke after a while."No, it can't be. You might have seen wrong."

"I saw it right. He looked as if he is looking at a friend after a huge fight. You know, wonderingif he should talk everything out and settle or not."

At this point Taeyong didn't hear anything Doyoung said and wondered what Jaehyun was thinking.

Doyoung wanted to ask if everything is alright as he look at the worried face of Taeyong but Teacher entered the class and everyone greeted.

Taeyong snapped out of his thoughts and greeted the teacher.

As soon as the teacher started her class, Taeyong was deep in his thought as usual but today is was different, the person he was thinking about and the way he was thinking about. He was more worried than was amused which he is usually.

Lunch break had come and the four were together as usual. Taeyong looked disturbed for some reason.

"What are you thinking about?" Ten snapped him back to reality.

"Nothing important."

"If it wasn't important than why are you so deep in it?" Ten asked pissed at this point.

For usual, Taeyong would smile a lot. He didn't spoke lot but listened well. He responded to everyone well. Today he seem to ignore everyone.

"I'm sorry." He muttered

"It's okay. You can tell us if something is bothering you." Johnny spoke looking worried.

Doyoung could feel that it had something to do with Jaehyun but he remained quiet and looked at Taeyong.

"No it's fine"

After break they were in their respective class. For some reason their teacher hasn't come to the class so all of them were on their own world. Some sleeping while some gossiping.

Doyoung ponder for a long time and finally spoke. "It has something to do with Jaehyun isn't it?"


"I mean you are thinking about what I told you in the morning right?"

Taeyong couldn't speak.

"Is there something between you two going?"

"No not really."

"You know we are friends right. You can talk to me." Doyoung spoke with a sad expression.

"Okay, let's go to rooftop."

"What? Why?" Doyoung was surprised.

"Let's talk at the rooftop. I'll tell you everything. It seems that the teacher won't be coming today." Both of them left the class and entered the rooftop cautiously so they don't get caught by any teacher.

It was silent for a while. Doyoung couldn't ask anything and kept looking at Taeyong who was looking at the clear sky thinking about his past year in the school.

"The weather is perfect." finally Taeyong spoke as he smile to the sky. A sad smile.

"I guess." Doyong said as he turned from the boy to the clear sky.

"I liked him. You know Jaehyun, when I first came to this school previous year."

Doyong could feel his heart hurt a little at the boy's word. He couldn't speak.

Taeyong continued. "I thought he was the most perfect boy. He had handsome face, beautiful smile. The dimple made him even more prettier.  He was tall and his body was perfect in every angle."

Doyoung didn't want him to continue for some reason but he didn't stop him.

"But he wasn't perfect inside."

This sentence caught Doyoung offguard.
He was confused at this point.

"He was handsome and all but his heart was the ugliest. He bullied me for some reason. He use to disturb me when I studied in library. He threw food, water and other junk at my works. Sometimes my homework went missing. He even threw my lunch alot of the time. He made fun of me. I even heard rumour about how I tried to impress him but failed that's why he hated and bullied me. Once I was locked in the bathroom for whole day by his bestfriend Yuta." Tears started falling from Taeyong eyes as he spoke.

Doyong grabbed the boy and pulled him in a hug. Taeyong cried in his shoulder as he spoke."I didn't even wanted him to like me back. I just wanted him to not hate me."

Doyoung couldn't do anything.  He held the other boy and rubbed his back trying to calm him down.

He was sad seeing Taeyong this vulnerable.  It hasn't been long since they had known each other but Taeyong was always smiling.

"Do you still like him?" He asked knowing that the reply might hurt him.

"No. I don't. He became a monster to me. I have completely moved on." Taeyong said as he moved apart from the hug wiping his tears.

Doyoung felt a sigh of relief.

"Are you okay with it?" Taeyong asked making Doyoung confused.

As he looked at his confused face he asked again."I mean, me being gay. Are you okay with it?"

Doyoung laughed at Taeyong's word and replied."Why not? What's there not to be okay with? I'll tell you a secret. I am gay too. My previous relation was with a guy as well."

These made Taeyong happy knowing he had chance but the last sentence was somewhat ."previous relation"

"Oh! Yes. We broke up in mutual concent."

There was a long silence. A comforting one as both looked at the clear sky.

A bell broke the silence and both realised it was time for next class. Both went to the class and completed the remaining classes.

This chapter is little long. Almost as double as usual. I hope you all will love it. Thanks for reading.Give it a lot of love.😁😁

Heart Knows/ Dotae (Different) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now