april 3rd

13 0 0

dear asha,


her hair

her lips

i couldn't have dreamed up a more perfect person

come to think of its quite possible i did dream her

allow me to make this very clear. i could swear this girl was real. id swear it on my life if i had to but something stops me from completely believing my own memory. to be fair it could be my general hesitance to trust my own mind but that's a conversation for my therapist not for you. i don't believe she exists because i've truly never seen someone so stunning in my life. for the past three days since i saw her i've gone back to the same park but i haven't seen even a glimpse of her. so maybe she was simply a figment of my overactive imagination. maybe i fell asleep or day dreamed my perfect girl.

sorry for rambling i guess i should explain. so i went to the park the other day on my lunch break. I was sitting under a tree drinking coffee and i saw this girl. it was only for a moment as she skated by but i'm telling you right now she could be the one. truly. you know better than anyone i don't say that lightly. i didn't even believe in love at first sight until that very moment.

anyways, she was skating by and i could've sworn we made eye contact for a brief moment but i also could fully be trippin. she had this incredible hair. strawberry blonde, long, and wavy. i tell you girl, it GLISTENED in the sunlight. it was tucked into a black carhart beanie but her style wasn't totally skater girl if you know what i mean. she had this light blue high neck ruffly shirt with big sleeves and kahki colored dickies with a light brown belt. i totally got cottagecore meets stoner energy. i know im obsessing but pretty pleeease don't attack me for all the detail. i do think i fell in love. okay so i couldn't totally make out her eye color or anything super specific about her face but i did notice her mouth. her pink lips pulled into a smirk and i could just tell she felt almost euphoric in that moment, skating through prospect park under the warm glow of the sun. when i tell you i forgot how to breathe, i forgot how to breathe. words can not do this gorgeous woman justice. i really hope she exists so i can see her again. im telling you though, you're my good luck charm. maybe if you got your west coast ass out here to brooklyn she'd magically reappear. 

okay now that i'm done being a useless lesbian...i still cant believe we've lived on opposite sides of the country for two whole months. new york is pretty great! i got this job at a little bagel shop near the park and i'm working close to full time which my mom totally loves. life isn't super fascinating yet because its still so new. its cool that spring actually exists over here but the past week has been wicked hot. hopefully by summer ill have some more friends in the area other than my coworkers. hows san francisco holding up without my fine ass? cant imagine its doing well now that im gone. kidding. but in all seriousness, i hope you're well. I miss you tons and cant wait for us to be reunited asap. you my bestie and my boo forever even on opposite coasts. 

I eagerly await your response with any and all important tea back home that i havent already received. see you soon *fingers crossed*

much love,


p.s. if you haven't already dropped that slimy mf leon i expect it done by the time you respond. <3

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