april 10th

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i'm happy to hear everything is going well. believe me when i tell you i smiled so huge to see that you got rid of leon. i never did like that fool, he didn't appreciate or respect you enough. he legit ghosted you because you weren't in the mood to hook up like the creepy and immature boy he is (this is another reason why dating women is superior teehee). regardless, you made my day with that. please send my love to your beautiful mama and tell her i miss her quesadillas and i'm going crazy without her big hugs.

youll never guess who i saw at the park yesterday. or maybe you will...

it was her. the girl from before. see i told you she was real even if you didn't totally believe it. trust me i know what" don't get your hopes up" was implying. and i'm really not. i swear. but she smiled at me this time for sure. we made eye contact again and this time she was skating with a guy who i certainly hope he isn't her man, that would ruin the fantasy. but they were laughing and she faced towards me and did the "white people passing each other in the street" smile and a half nod. I was a little awestruck but i got my jaw off the floor fast enough to smile back before she turned away. i won't bore you with the details because i'm sure you're not interested in hearing absolutely all of it. but i will say this because i have to talk to someone and you know damn well i'm not close enough to any of my coworkers for them to see the total hopeless romantic side of me. i want them to think im mysterious and maybe even a bit badass for now. yes i know what you're thinking, but i have done well suppressing my oversharing with near strangers tendency. you'd be proud. 

tell me about rehearsals for the musical!! i can't believe you told me you were cast and didn't tell me what part. i had to find out you were doing Chicago from THE STUDENT GOV INSTAGRAM. i'm so out of the loop its depressing. not one random detail of life in sf is too small to entertain me at this point. i strangely miss the completely idiotic drama.

anywhooo i miss you as i will for every day we don't spend together. don't do anything too stupid without me!



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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