It's official

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*Jens POV*
I look at the clock beside me it read 8:00 "oh no" I thought today is the day we have to tell the whole world we are dating. We have to go to a MockingJay interview anyway so why not just tell them there
I look over at Josh he was still sleeping, his perfect brunette hair all messed up and spread across his face. Without thinking I begin to stroke his cheek with my thumb
"Morning beautiful" He says smiling
"Good morning to you too handsome" I reply
"I thought you were asleep?"
He laughs then replys "I was but then you started stroking my cheek and I was enjoying it so.."
"So you just lay there like a puppy being pat" I say laughing
"Pretty much, yeah" he laughs
"C'mon we need to get ready, we have a big day ahead" he says
"Ughhhh I know I just don't wanna get outta bed" I groan
"C'mon Jen" he says dragging my arm
"Fine" is all I say then I get changed into a plain white dress and curled my hair it's almost down to my shoulders now. Then Josh comes over and plants a little kiss on my temple and I smile and we hop in the car and head to our interview.
"Oh shit" I say as I realised we have arrived
Josh laughed "Hey watch your language young lady! and besides I'll do most of the talking if you want about our relationship"
"Ok thanks" is all I mange to get out I'm still super nervous
"Hey..." he says before kissing me and let's just say it lasted a very long time
"It'll be alright" he reminds me as we step inside I go and get all my makeup done although I'm pretty much already done.
Before I know it I'm waiting back stage ready to walk on any moment. I'm given the all good so I walk on stage I wave to the audience and they erupt with cheers. I walk past Josh standing above his seat so I push him down so he's sitting on his seat everyone in the room laughs.

The interviewer by pretty quickly we do what we normally do laugh, talk, answer questions and try not to give away any spoilers and something came up in the topic I honestly can't remember but I grabbed Josh's head at just start kissing his forehead a hundred times over and over leaving lipstick all over his forehead but he allows it. Just when I'm done I turn around back to the interviewer only to be stopped by Josh he grabs my arm, pulls me back around and smashes his lips to mine I can hear the audience scream and cheer but I block most of it out and just focus on Josh like he's the only person in the room. Electricity runs through me it feels like nothing I've ever felt before not even with Nick
This must be love  
I thought to myself. I'm completely lost in Josh he's still kissing me and I'm still kissing back I never want it to end but eventually the interviewer clears this throat. We both pull away gasping for air
"Well that's one way to announce we are dating" Josh laughs and looks at the audience and they scream they must really love Josh and I dating. That's when I realise I haven't even told my family about Nick or anything they probably think I'm cheating on him but I'm not if anything he'd probably cheat on me first. I start to shake as I think about this, Josh must've noticed my shaking because me grabs my hand and puts it in his warm strong hands. He rubs this thumb along my hand giving me a reassuring squeeze I feel a bit calmer now.
"Is it true Jennifer?" The interviewer asked "That you and Josh are dating"
"Yes" I reply "And before you ask I broke up with Nick because he almost killed me and I'm not going to go into detail with that but he's been put in jail but Josh was the person that came to my rescue and I couldn't be more happy than I am now dating him"
"Awww" they all say in-sync with each other
"It's all true" Josh clarifies "Joshifer is real"

Before I know it we are in the taxi heading home It's about midnight I'm so tired but thankfully not drunk. I lay my head down on Josh's shoulders trying not to let my eyelids drop
"It's ok Jen" Josh says softly "don't worry you can sleep"
"No I can't how am I meant to make it to my bed if I'm asleep"
"Don't worry about it I'll carry you, I did it once you know I'm strong than you think" he says
"Ok thanks" I say before I close and I'm almost asleep when I hear Josh say
"I love you"
"I love you too Josh, Forever and Always"

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