23: glares

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Taehyung and Jungkook sat on the bench for a while they were talking about many things. taehyung felt happy he was laughing next to jungkook when he made a joke. but his smile faded when he saw Zhang approach them, his hands behind his back.

Jungkook also stopped smiling and he stood up watching Zhang stand in front of them. his guard was looking at jungkook with cold eyes. And jungkook immediately knew that that guard was going to be a annoying one.

"well hello Prince, i'm happy to see you again." Zhang said passing jungkook without acknowledging his presence.

"hello King Zhang"

"no need for these formalities, i'm your future husband so call me Zhang for now."

"then you call me Taehyung"

"how nice. shall we take a walk. i would like to see the palace garden" zhang said as he looked around observing the colorful area.

"of course" taehyung stood up taking off his gloves. he put them in his pocket and started walking next to the young king. followed by their two guards.

"it's a beautiful location you live." zhang started. "on my travel here. I came across a lot of lakes and big forests. It was pretty"

"i hope to see then myself one day"

"you didn't?" zhang asked a bit surprised. He expected the prince to know about its kingdom.

"no, my father doesn't allow me outside the palace walls anymore."

"how unfortunate"

"it must be boring staying here all the time"

"it is. But i got people to talk to. Like Jungkook"

"your guard?" zhang asked getting a serious expression. He looked over his shoulder at jungkook who followed behind them. His hands folded behind his back as he glared back at zhang. "hm..."

"yes him, he is good company" taehyung said and looked back with a smile. Jungkook's glare disappeared and he smiled back.

"so" zhang interrupted to get taehyung attention back. "what's there?" pointing to the training fields.

"oh there do the guards practice. Its cool to watch"

"i see, what time do they practice?"

"in the mornings. From 8 till 10" taehyung answered with a smile. He was already excited to watch Them the next morning.

"i see" zhang nodded. They were now walking through the roses that were planted along the path.

"you like flowers right?" zhang asked

"i do, these are very pretty "

"they are. But not at pretty as you" zhang said making taehyung smiled.

But taehyung felt a bit awkward when he said it. If jungkook did it make him feel shy and warm. This didn't. He didn't like it when zhang complimented like that, it felt different.

"thanks" he said politely.

From behind them jungkook was glaring at zhang. He noticed that the young king lifted his hand reaching for taehyung.

"such pretty face you have" zhang said touching taehyung's cheek.

The young prince stepped back chuckled awkwardly.

"dont touch my face please" he said.

"why not, later i can touch it all i want Taehyung" zhang reached out again but before he could touch him jungkook grabbed his wrist tightly stopping his hand.

"he said not to touch him" jungkook said with a cold expression.

Zhang hummed and pulled his hand back with a frown.

"learn your guard not to grab a guest....More like, a king" zhang said to taehyung.

"i allow him" taehyung said softly. Jungkook heard and smiled a bit


"it was a nice walk. I'm glad you showed me around" zhang said with a smile.

"that's good, i enjoy walking in the garden"

"i can see why" zhang leaned back against the bench. "i can't wait to marry you, it will be nice"

"oh....Yea" taehyung said his expression dropped immediately. He wasn't looking forward to that at all. He didn't like this Zhang name person.

"aren't you?"

"well...I don't know you a lot yet, and other..Things " taehyung said. He tried to make something up to change the subject.

"i can make you know me, but even if you don't. I show my kindness and interest for you" zhang moved closer placing his hand on taehyungs.

Jungkook's eyes were fixed on that. He was holding himself from pushing zhang away. He flicked his head to the side feeling annoyed.

"you do, i appreciate it. But i would like to know you first. I don't want to make any rushed decisions" taehyung said noticing the zhang was way too close for his liking.

"you know all you need to know. I would like to know more of you. Won't you show me more?" zhang leaned closer his breath fanned over taehyung's face.

Taehyung leaned to the side to get some space.

"this little shit" jungkook mumbled and was about to grab zhang to pull him away. But he was stopped by the young king's guard.

"i can't allow you to do that" he said looking at Jungkook.

"get your hands off me" jungkook said pulling his hand back.

"wont you-" zhang continued.

But taehyung abruptly stood up and turned to him.

"im sorry but i have to go do something, i will see you later" he said and looked at Jungkook who immediately walked to the prince's side.

"hm......i see" zhang said and sat straight. "well then, i will enjoy myself until i see you again"

Taehyung nodded and walked off followed by jungkook.

He didn't have to do anything but he didn't want to be with zhang anymore. He was creeping him out and very pushy. Taehyung didn't like that.

"i really don't like him" taehyung said to jungkook as they entered the palace.

"i can imagine why"

"why can't i just chose you..." taehyung sighed looking down.

"kings rules"

"we like eachother. I love you not him. Why did he make such a stupid rule" taehyung complained.

Jungkooks heart warmed at the 'i love you'.

"i don't know tae...I dont know" jungkook said and sighed. 


Thank you for reading!
See u at the next chapter


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