26: gone

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"KIM TAEHYUNG" someone shouted. The young prince was beyond shocked when he heard that and immediately pulled away from Jungkook.

"f-father.." he stuttered.

The king stepped forward with such a angry expression.

"you step away from my son!" he said pointing at Jungkook.

The knight obeyed the order and stood up.

"n-no stay here" taehyung said trying to grab Jungkook's arm but the knight pulled his hand away before they could touch.

"dress yourself in your suit" the king then ordered and Jungkook did. Getting his belt and sword. Slip back in his shoes and put in his jacket. He grabbed his gloves that were next to taehyung giving the prince a sad look.

His heart clenched painfully when he saw the tears in taehyung's eyes.

"now you will not come near him ever again, you will be getting a new schedule. And be taken off from your duty as his royal personal guard. Now leave the palace until you are asked for." the king said and jungkook sighed.

"no! No please don't go!" taehyung said grabbing jungkooks arm.

"these are my orders" jungkook said coldly and pulled his arm back.

"please father don't do this! I love him please!" he shouted clinging at his father's hand. But the king just looked away.

"no..J-jungkook dont leave me. You promised!"

"im sorry" Jungkook said softly and then left the room. When the door shut taehyung fell on his knees crying.

Once again he lost someone.

"Taehyung, come on" the king said reaching for his son. But taehyung slapped his hand away and stood up.

"don't touch me!" he shouted.

"it's for the best son"

"i hate you! I wish mother was here, she understands me. You don't, you are the worst!" taehyung said and walked out if the room slamming the door behind him. He started running hoping to catch up with Jungkook.

He searched in the hallways only to not see him anywhere. Jungkook was already gone.


"Tae" there was a knock on the door.

"leave me alone!" Taehyung shouted turning his back to the door. He had been in his bedroom the whole day. He had pushed Zhang out when he tried to walk in and locked the door.

"please, i want to talk to you" it was obviously yoongi.

"Hyung leave me alone"

"no i'm not leaving until you open the door".



There was a long silence and then taehyung sighed getting out of the bed. He walked to the door and unlocked it. Opening the door he was Yoongi stand there with sad eyes.

The older walking in and hugged his little brother who immediately started crying.

"i hate father" taehyung said as he wet yoongi's uniform with his tears.

"i know"

"i hate him so much, he takes everyone away from me." taehyung hugged yoongi tighter. "i only have you with me"

"it will be alright tae, you will have me."

"i want Jungkook....I want him hyung. Why cant father just understand" taehyung pulled away from the hug and wiped his eyes.

"i don't know, i really don't know"

"cant he see i love him. Cant he see that i am happy with him. Why does he have to be like that. " taehyung said and kicked his shoes that were next to the bed. "maybe i will just drown myself. Maybe then he will finally realise i was never happy"

"okay stop that, you are not going to hurt yourself" yoongi said stopping taehyung from saying more of those things.

Taehyung sighed and sat on the bed.

"also.... Father had started the wedding preparations. It will be within a few days."

"what! So soon!?"

"he changed the date after finding you and Jungkook." yoongi said and scratched his neck.


It's been a day and taehyung was not himself anymore. He was being rude to his father and trying to avoid Zhang who kept walking after him annoyingly.

But now his father forced the two to spend time together.

"Taehyung, why are you so sad. Come cuddle"

"no" taehyung said staying at the window.

"aish, you are so difficult. Stop thinking about that guard. He wasn't worth it anyway" zhang said. He knew about the two. He had seen them at the event. But he wanted Taehyung and he wasn't going to lose from a guard.

"don't say thing you know nothing about. I don't love you, get it in your head"

"you will love me Taehyung. If not then pretend you do. Father is on my side. We will marry no matter what"

"shut up! Let me be for once. I dont want you!" taehyung shouted. He was done being nice and polite. He didn't care about that anymore.

"tsk tsk" Zhang said and shook his head.


Thank you for reading see u at the next chapter!

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