Chapter 18

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What felt like far too early, I was shaken awake. Barely standing up in the shower, I almost tipped the bottle of shampoo in my eye, cursing at my stupidity.
When I finally got out to the lounge in one piece, ready for breakfast, Zayn was coming out of his room, hair immaculate. Again.
"You can sleep today. Normally, they go easy on the last day." Liam put his arm around my waist and we all went down to breakfast, sitting down in our normal spot.
"Hey, Louis." Drew came over during breakfast, with two other men I vaguely remembered. "Morning, lads. Look, I'm really, really, sorry, but my dad hasn't managed to get you cleared. He'd need another three days, and today's the last day."
"It's fine. Thank so much for trying." I grinned at him. "See you next year."
"See you." Drew smiled back before leaving, and I went back to my breakfast. We carried on talking, but I didn't miss Liam's arm around my waist, nor Harry's hand in mine.
"Good morning, everyone! Just a last reminder that everything must be taken home, especially upper seniors, as you're unfortunately leaving today. It's been a pleasure, but you will hopefully move on, perhaps to the city, to start a new life." The headmaster's words made the hall silent as everyone listened. "While this year has been a little tense, I hope to see most of you back, fit and strong, in the new academic year! Good day and happy holidays!"
"Short but sweet." Niall laughed. "Hey, you guys better text me every single day. Greg's going to drive me nuts."
"At least you haven't got three sisters." Zayn groaned.
"Five, beat that." I swallowed another mouthful.
"Gemma's bad enough to make up ten." Harry complained. "Seriously, she's determined to paint my toenails."
"Tell her to take a picture and send it to me." Liam snickered.
"Rude." Harry sighed, finishing his breakfast. "I'm going to go pack." Giving my hand a squeeze, he got up and left, Zayn following shortly afterwards. Niall also went back upstairs, just as I finished my breakfast, Liam finishing at practically the same time.
"Come on, Lou. We've got the morning to pack, as no one goes to lessons, then we just hang out or say goodbyes in the afternoon. Some people leave tonight, some in the morning. Everyone's gone by ten, though." With a brief smile, he led the way upstairs, unlocking the door when we reached it.
In my room, I pulled out the suitcase they bought me a while ago, putting some of my more hard weary clothes in there, along with my phone. Leaving everything else, I went and knocked on Harry's door. "Come in!" He called. "What's wrong?"
"I was kind of wondering if you'd take some of my stuff." I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. "She'll ruin it otherwise."
"Course, Lou." Harry motioned to a mostly empty suitcase. "Put everything you want in there, I'll put it in my room for the summer."
"Thanks." I grinned, going back to my room and gathering all the clothes and items, folding them into his suitcase. "I'll just go take my suit back to the training centre, and my bow to Finn."
"Stay safe." Harry smiled at me before I left, staring down at my bow for a minute, almost saying goodbye. Then, I turned into my trademark kitten, bow, suit and all, gambolling down the stairs until I was stopped by a gentle hand.
"Careful." They giggled, and I looked up into a girls face. "Aren't you adorable? Shapeshifter?" I nodded my head. "I won't get in your way, then." She moved out of my path, carrying on up the stairs and I leapt down them with more elegance than I had originally used.
The run over to the training centre was refreshing, and I put my suit away, coming out to see Finn collecting several bows together. "Hey, Louis!" He called. "Try hitting that one from there!"
"Yeah, right!" I yelled back, making him laugh before I flew over as a bird, morphing into myself again. "Can you still take my bow?"
"Didn't escape?" Finn sighed. "Sure, I'll put it in my case, hang on." He arranged the three bows into a large case with a rack inside, storing about five bows. Taking my bow, Finn carefully placed it inside, strapping it in and storing my quiver as well. "I'll return it to you pristine, promise."
"Thanks." I smiled. Finn hesitated for a moment.
"If you ever did need anything, just give me a call, yeah?" He said softly. "She's a bitch, Lou, and I'd shoot her down for you."
"Thank you." It was the first time he'd ever used my nickname. Suddenly, he wrapped an arm around my shoulders, giving me a brief hug.
"Stay safe." Finn looked genuinely upset, so I just grinned and left, running back to the dorm as my kitten, unlocking the door fifteen minutes later.
"Hey, Louis!" Harry called out, from where he was sitting on a suitcase in the middle of the lounge, trying to get it to close.
"Do you need big bum's help?" I giggled, jumping on top of it. With a tug on the zip, the suitcase closed.
"Thanks, boobear." Harry kissed me. "Hurry up! We've got fun time to fit in before lunch."
"I'm going!" Laughing, I ran back to my room, ensuring everything was packed away before I started on my toiletries, putting them in one small bag. When my room was stripped bare, I pulled my suitcase into the lounge, leaving it near the door with the one pair of shoes I'd decided to wear 'home'.
"Come on, Louis, movie time!" Harry tugged me onto the couch, curling up onto my chest as soon as I sat down. Liam put the movie in and Zayn and Niall appeared just as he pressed play.
While I didn't know the name of the movie, I was fascinated, watching it carefully as the story unfolded. Harry's steady breathing, Niall's occasional giggle, Liam's arm around my shoulders and leg against mine, Zayn's fingers playing distractingly through Harry's curls made me want to stay like this forever, but lunch rolled around ten minutes after the movie ended.
We ate lunch, then went back upstairs, cuddling on the sofa, and kind of making out a bit. When the bell rung, yet again, we all went downstairs and outside to the area between the two dorms where most of the student body was.
"Go say your goodbyes, and meet here in twenty if we get separated." Harry whispered in my ear, before I lost him in the crowd.
"Louis!" Trixie tapped on my shoulder. "Hey!"
"Hey, Trix." I gave her a brief hug. "How are you?"
"Holding up alright." She sighed. "Make sure you keep up your fitness, but look after yourself mostly." Trixie grinned at me, her light attitude back. "You're an awesome person, Louis, don't get yourself down."
"I could say the same about you." I laughed, before we parted again. After saying goodbye to Nick, Kat, Max, Drew, several other students I knew and a couple of teachers, I made my way back to where Liam and Niall were standing.
"Are any of us leaving tonight?" I bit my lip.
"I've got to." Niall shrugged. "Flight to catch, you know?"
"Where do we even live?" I gasped, as realisation that I had no idea where we lived in the world struck me.
"Oh, Lou." Liam hugged me. "Don't worry, google it. Caimbolso Island."
"I'm eightteen and I don't know where I live?" Indignant, I crossed my arms. "Geez."
"I'll visit you sometime." Zayn crept up behind me, giving me a hug from behind, wrapping his arms around my waist. "I know where you live, so that's good enough. Don't worry, I won't get you into trouble."
"Thanks, Z." Leaning back in his embrace, I looked over the crowd. "Where's Harry?"
"Here." Harry wriggled his way out of the crowd, almost stumbling, walking over to us. "Do any of you need to say goodbye to anyone else?" After we all shook our heads, we made our way upstairs again.
The bedrooms were stripped, apart from our toiletries which we would be using tonight and in the morning, except Niall. Liam lay down on the sofa and I jumped on top of him, laying my head on his shoulder. "Hey."
"How dare you lie on me, stranger?" He chuckled. "Off with you!"
"Will I have to tempt you to let me stay?" I teased, propping myself up on my elbows on the edge of the sofa.
"Maybe." Liam smirked back, and I kissed him. "Don't know if that was enough."
"Don't hog Lou for yourself, Li." Zayn laughed.
"I'm just going to kidnap him for half an hour, if that's okay." Liam wrapped his arms around my waist, so I couldn't go anywhere. Zayn sat on our legs, making us both groan. "Zayn!"
"Yep?" He smiled, leaning over to give me a kiss before he got up and sat on the other sofa.
"Do you guys actually want to do anything?" Harry giggled, sitting next to Zayn and putting his head on Zayn's shoulder.
"We could make out." Niall snorted.
"I'm not opposed to that idea." Liam murmured, placing a hand on my cheek and turning my face to his, kissing me.
"You seriously want to spend the last afternoon we have together in one and a half months just making out?" I grinned, eyes lighting up.
"Got a problem with that?" Liam asked, and I shook my head, before kissing him again. Eventually, his hands crept up my shirt and I pulled it off, just laying down on him again, returning my lips to his. After taking his own shirt off, I felt Liam's hands drift to my belt.
Panicking slightly, I tried to block it out, knowing that they were my boyfriends, and I shouldn't be scared. Liam drew back, looking into my eyes. "You aren't comfortable with that." It was a statement, so I didn't say anything. "You should just say, Lou, I don't mind."
"It's just..."
"Just that you feel like you should love us enough, and you think you do, but you're worried you don't because you don't want to?" Harry jumped on top of us, creating a small pile. "We still love you, you dork."
"Sorry." Blushing lightly, I grinned, averting my eyes.
"You idiot." Liam laughed quietly, hugging me to him. "You seriously thought we'd mind?"
"I don't know." I shrugged. "You might."
"Well, we don't." Harry leaned over my shoulder for a kiss.
*****several hours later*****
"See you in September!" Niall gave me a huge hug. "Text me, okay?"
"Will do." Tightness in my chest warned me that I was going to cry, so I took a deep breath and forced a smile on my face.
Far too soon, Niall was gone. The fact that I wouldn't see him for six weeks made the urge to cry stronger. "Lou?" Zayn wrapped his arms around me. "It's okay."
"I know." I smiled. "Everything's okay."

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