Lil Sad story test!

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Imma use my ocs. 


Owen was on his bed, coughing a lot. Tears was in his eyes and ran down his face. He looked at a frame picture of his crew. Everyone was smiling, happy. Now, everyone isn't happy. Chloe almost got kicked out because she was defending him. She was fighting against the leader, well, that was what Mel said when she came to visit, only once. He looked at his wrists. It was covered in bandages. His hospital room was boring so his mind started to wonder. He still remembers that day. 

They were done doing a mission. Ella and Leo were praised, Melody and Chloe were given tips and Owen got nothing. The leader just ignored him. It's been like that for so long. He couldn't take it anymore and ran. He remembered Mel shouting but the leader grabbed her, telling her to stop trying to help the useless person. He was one of the first people to join. He was reminded of Lily. She left the group because of the leader and soon, died because of the memories that didn't leave her. She got letters by the leader, shaming her. He's always wanted to leave but was worried about it. He knows how far he'll go. He found a place to hide and cry. His state of mind at the time was so bad, Mel and Blaze didn't trust him to use a sharp object. After 4 minutes, he heard that the leader was trying to find him.

"C'mon useless~" He sung,"Come back~"

Owen saw a pocket knife where he was hiding. As he quickly found out, multiple people killed died there. He grabbed the pocket knife. He can hear him getting closer. He closed his eyes and slashed both off his wrist. He rather be dead than be punished by the leader. He opened his eyes to see blood leaking out. He started to cry, crying because he made the thing, crying because he'll miss Melody, crying because he might join Lily. He collapsed. His body just gave up on him. The lighting was starting to dim as he saw the leader, staring at him. 

"I guess we lost another one, Lily's going to be happy" He said, "to see you disappointment again"

Owen smiled. He felt free. He wanted to see Lily again. He felt his body was getting lighter, the light dimmer and the noises getting quiet. The leader walked away as Melody saw him, on the floor, smiling about dying. She ran up to him and shouting his name.
That's all Owen remembers since he passed out. 

"Owen?" Blaze said as he opened the door slowly, "we're here to visit"
"we're?" Owen muttered. 

Blaze went in, followed by Grace, Ace and Lilith. They sat down. Ace holding a picture of Lily. Her beautiful eyes, her flowing hair, her soft lips reminded Owen more of her. Ace placed the picture near the picture of his crew. Ace sat down near Grace. Lilith sat on her own. 

"Owen," Blaze said, "I found out why Mel, Chloe and the others only visited once"
"The awful leader," Grace said, "he forced them to never visit you"
"That bitch.." Lilith muttered.
"What?" Owen said quietly.
"Anyway, I found out that by Mel" Blaze. 


It was nighttime. He was still upset over the information he found out. He was about to fall asleep when his phone beeped. It was from Melody. She was calling him. He was shocked. He was told that they were also forced to not text or call him. He picked up.

"'Sorry for not visiting you' yeah yeah,"

It was the leader.

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