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"Tobio!" Hinata shouted waiting for the boy to catch up to him. They had decided to study and go out shopping together today. Hinata was wearing cargo pants, a white hoodie and a baseball cap. On the other hand, Kageyama was wearing black jeans, a purple tee and a black jacket. "Shut up! You're being too noisy." Kageyma yelled at the tiny boy slapping the back of his head. "Ow! Don't be mean! I even made a bento!" Kageyama looked to see that HInata had brought a bigger lunchbox than usual. After trying his sweets, the team could not believe how well Hinata was in the kitchen even in economics class he was on another level.

Thus the two continued with their day at first going to the library where Hinata explained and tutored Kageyama the best he could. Tobio liked learning under Hinata as he managed to summarize lessons into simple terms and in the shortest way possible Not only that he cut out all the parts essential to graduate. Soon enough Tobio had reached his limit and Shoyo was satisfied with the results. "They left the library to go to the park and eat the bento Hinata prepared. The taller teen was amazed at the creation Hinata created, from the cucumber sandwiches, to the orginai shaped as panda's using seaweed to make the faces and ears. Too the assorted fruits.

Kageyama had been prepared to buy lunch but this was better for him. He ate the food amazed at how amazing Hinata was at cooking once more, HInata ate the food slower and a bit unsure what to make of the boy next to him. "Don't eat the food so fast! You didn't die from studying but you want to die from choking." Hinata snapped poking the boy in the chest with his chopsticks.

"Your food is good. It's the best bento ever." Kageyama states after taking a big gulp. Hinata unprepared for the praise turns bright pink. "S-shut up B-bakayma!" The boys finished and started to walk around looking around throughout the shopping district. Kageyama dragged Hinata to one with sporting goods which Hinata looked like he was about to combust with this much volleyball things around him. A particular thing caught his eyes, in the corner of the ball section was a shelf full of trinkets with sport related pendants What caught the small boy's eye was a simple chain with volleyball and crow pendants at the center. It was simple but so perfect, but Hinata did not want to waste money on such things HIs orstetic and creams already cost his parents so much, he didn;t want to buy something so dumb when he was already a burden.

The boys looked through the clothes and Hinata decided to buy 3 shorts for practice and working out, which would replace his old shorts which were starting to tear and get too small even for him. They weren't too expensive and they did the trick. Thus Hinata content watched Kageyama buy new knee pads before heading to checkout. Hinata and Kageyma continued to walk around, Hinata carrying the now empty lunch box and Kageyama carrying the bags of newly bought stuff. They made it back to the park where they decided to sit by a tree feeling the warm breeze fly through their hair and fingers playing some game on their phones as they enjoyed, just being kids.

Hinata even took off his prosthetic for a while after Kageyama insisted on him feeling as comfortable as possible, thus it sat in Kageyama's lap. Hinata felt so happy that he could be so free with someone.

"Hinata." Kageyma broke the silence, putting down his phone and turning his gaze to the other boy. "Yes?" Hinata turned his head to look back at Kageyama when he felt something get pulled over his head and dangling against his chest. He looked down in surprise to see it was the necklace he was looking at earlier. "K-kageyama! You didn't have to buy this! It was so expensive as well! Bakayama didn't you mother tell you-"

"So what? It's for you. If you want it I am more than happy to buy it. Say this is a thank you for the food and tutoring." Kageyama said he was satisfied with the necklace he had given. HInata blushed and smiled softly, touching the necklace as if it was glass. "I-I can't believe you did this! Thank you, I'll be sure to treasure it for the rest of my life." Hinata smiled.

Kageyama touches Hinata's hand intertwining his fingers with his. Hinata, unsure about the gesture, just went with it thinking this is what friends do. On the other hand Kageyama smiled slightly and rested his head on the tree. "Yeah, you better keep that promise. Because I promise that everyday I will make sure you're still wearing it."

--------------10 years later-------------------------------------

"I'm home," Kageyma shouted. Now a young man in his mid twenties, Kageyama had become a professional player he trained daily while taking up side jobs on a construction site. "Welcome back!" Shouted Hinata who had grown a few inches thus being at a height of 5'7", still on the short scale He was wearing an apron, revealing he had been preparing dinner and in his arms was a small toddler no older than 4 shouting "Papa! Papa!"

Tobio looked at his husband and their adopted son, Yatagarasu.  Shoyo now was an engineer helping to make better prosthetic for disabled men and women, thus he could do a lot of his work from home which helped a lot due to their son though there was the occasional day the raven haired man would watch over their son. Though Tobio was a big help as he took Yatagarasu to the park or daycare while Shoyo cooked and did the basic household duties though having Tobio help with the more labor intensive ones. He would also play volleyball at any giving moment often telling their son about it and watching Tobio while he plays.

Tobio leaned down to kiss his husband before taking his boy in his hands and bouncing him around. "So did you miss Papa while he was at work?" He asked, making the young boy nod. Shoyo took a quick picture as he laughed in pure joy at his loves. Neither of them imagined their life could be this perfect with a son and both with jobs they were passionate about. Shoyo jumped at the sound of the rick cooker going off, "I made Chinese style dumplings today." Tobio laughed as his spouse scurried off, in his shorts to get dinner ready. Tobio placed his son on the floor ruffling his hair once more, "go wash up for dinner. I see you went outside with all that dirt on that squishy face."

The small boy pouted before running off to do as he was told. Tobio walked into the kitchen to smell the wonderful smells of pork and spices with Shoyo watching the pot filled with their dinner. Tobio sneakily wrapped his arms around his lover pulling him into a deep kiss. Shoyo at first surprised quickly responds to the gesture pulling his arms around the tallest neck. Tobio and Shoyo continue to passionately kiss when the raven haired boy's hands groped his behind.

The smaller of the two would've been full for a hardcore make out session if not dinner was almost done and his son also coming for dinner. He pushed the larger away, "Tobio! Later, now get comfy dinner's almost ready!" The raven haired man huffed but understood and kissed the redhead once more on the cheek before heading off to change and shower.

After a quick shower, he saw a picture of the day he asked out Shoyo after nationals. The team was all there and they were going to take a regular group photo there in their 3rd year. That year where he got the guts to ask the boy out before he went to an American university to learn about engineering and continue volleyball. So when Tobio became an athlete in a Japanese professional team he kept a long distance relationship. Despite that they got back together, got married and had a family. Sure they fought sometimes but no matter what the two were tied to the hip.

He walked to the kitchen to be greeted by his husband and son sitting at the table with an empty seat just for him. Tobio couldn't help but smile as he joined the table. "Dad, why does papa wear his necklace all the time? I wanted to wear it! But papa says he couldn't."Shoyo almost spit out his food as Tobio started laughing. Their son cocked his head to the side confused by his parents' responses, until Shoyo decided to explain "Honey this chain I wear was given to me by your father on our first... kinda date? Anyways, it represents a promise your dad has surprisingly not broken yet."

"Hey!" Tobio interjects but smiles in pride how well he kept his promise. "Yeah, so as long as papa wears that necklace I promised to see him everyday so he never leaves me." This time it was Shoyo to lean in for a kiss, "Well, I don't plan on leaving you for a long time. Not to mention, both Papa and Dad love Yatagarasu so much to leave him. How much does Yatagarasu love us though?" Shoyo teased as he watched his son bounce in his chair, "Love you thiiiiis much". The small child opened his arms as far as he could, resulting in them all laughing together as they ate.

"Oh yeah Tobio, my parents called! They wanted to visit Yatagarasu and see how we are doing! My dad seemed really happy to come!" Shoyo continues.

Tobio felt his stomach plummet as he remembered his father in law and his protective nature, even on their wedding day. "Oh boy-"

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